On 12 August 2019, Cambodia held a ceremony in the celebration of Anlung Pring Protected Landscape, located in Kampog Trach District, as the First Flyway Network Site in Cambodia (EAAF144),with the sponsorship as a part of Small Grant Programme for new FNS adopted at EAAFP MOP10. The event was co-organized by Department of Freshwater Wetlands Conservation of General Directorate of Administration for Nature Conservation and Protection, Ministry of Environment Cambodia (EAAFP focal point in Cambodia), together with other NGO partners including BirdLife International Cambodia Programme, NatureLife Cambodia and Wildflow and Wetlands Trust with approximately 250 attendees including representatives from various local organizations, and locals such as village chiefs, site managers, students and teachers.
© Department of Freshwater Wetland Conservation and Ministry of Environment Cambodia
The purposes of the event were: (1) To promote mission of EAAFP, (2) To disseminate Anlung Pring Protected Landscape become the first Cambodia Flyway Network Site to local authorities and local communities, (3) To raise awareness and engage people in conserving migratory waterbirds along the East Asian – Australasian Flyway (EAAF), and (4) To install and provide the awareness materials to local students and local communities.
© Department of Freshwater Wetland Conservation and Ministry of Environment Cambodia
The celebration activities during the ceremony included several remark speeches from the guests who have gladly joined the event, educational speech on migratory birds and the flyways and performances such as roleplay, singing songs and reading poems by students. Afterward, small souvenirs were provided to the participants with the purpose of raising awareness of EAAF and FNS. The event also officially launched a pair of Sarus Crane statues which indicates the potential of this Flyway Network Sit as well as to encourage the engagement of local communities and public to join to conserve the migratory birds and important wetlands along the EAAF.
© Department of Freshwater Wetland Conservation and Ministry of Environment Cambodia
© Department of Freshwater Wetland Conservation and Ministry of Environment Cambodia
To know more about:
Flyway Site Network, click [here]
[EAAF 144] Anlung Pring Protected Landscape, click [here]