In the words of Yoonjin Lee,

@EAAFP Secretariat
"As an International Studies major, I have been interested in working in an International Organization. I had experiences with working with the embassy and foreign banks, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to widen my understanding of IO operations and use my knowledge and skills on operations of the organization. I dealt overseas transaction, maintenance of the officers and interns, and overall backup of the operations.
My duties include variety of different genres. First one would be the maintenance of the office. For smoother operation of other teams, the Administration Intern would set up computer and the office gadgets. Preparing and ordering office supplies and communication between the Ministry of Environment and the Incheon City Government is also crucial. Second, backup for Administration officer, Chief, and the Deputy is also important. Translation of speeches for Chief or Deputy, and translation of official documents are required when such documents have to be circulated among the office. Lastly, and a finance intern, one will be taking responsible of overseas transaction and keeping track of the remittance. Small Grant Fund, Honorarium, and Forums need swift transaction with backing up document. She will be asked to keep track of the whole operation and leave marks regarding the money transfers.
As a student, I was very embedded in environmentalism activities. In most part of my life, I also wanted to work in international cooperation domain for bigger understanding of the tasks that lies in front of the humankind. When I got the job as an intern, I expected to gain some insights within the genre of international organization, and I can proudly say that I had an amazing opportunity to work with team of professionals who are passionate with the agenda of the organization.
While working in the EAAFP, I have worked in the genre of administration and finance. Even though I had some experiences in such domain prior to the internship, by working in international organization, I was able to gain higher understanding of the overall operation of the Secretariat. Dealing money and chasing the transaction tells you pretty much everything about the operation, and I had tracked most part of the transaction back and forth to the Secretariat.
With the bigger understanding of the operation, I was able to see the mechanism that the staff members were dedicated to. The officers and the interns are very enthusiastic when it comes to executing the program that the Secretariat puts vision into. They are very concentrated, and highly passionate people who believe that their operation could, and would bring difference into this planet. Their dedication and understanding of the agenda had me look back at myself and my future that I have set for myself. I believe this experience in EAAFP made me find the passion that I might have lost."