From 21 to 22 November, External Relations (ER) and Foundation (FD) team went on a team-building workshop in Eulwang-ri, Yeongjong Island, Incheon, Republic of Korea. The purpose of the workshop was to enhance the ER/FD communications, do backward-looking team review, and to discuss the team’s Work Plan for next year in line with the Secretariat’s 2022 work plan and EAAFP Strategic Plan 2019-2028. Mr. Dong Koo Yun (the Foundation Director), Ms. Yoon Lee (External Relations Manager of EAAFP Secretariat), Anujin Battulga (External Relations Assistant) and Yunjoo Cho (ER & Foundation Assistant) joined.
The workshop started with birdwatching at Songsan Reservoir, Yeongjong Island. The Songsan reservoir is a known habitat for many sea birds. Eastern Curlew, Bar-tailed Godwit, Black-faced Spoonbill, Chinese Egret, and Saunders’s Gull are among those species visiting here. Despite the cold weather, the team managed to learn about the habitats with background information from Mr. Docdngkoo Yun, Foundation Director.

Birdwatching at Songsan Reservoir © EAAFP Secretariat

Birdwatching at Songsan Reservoir © EAAFP Secretariat
In the evening the colleagues gathered to discuss the agenda of the workshop. First off, Yoon Lee, the External Relation Manger shared a debriefing on UNFCCC COP26 where she attended in November. She shared key results of the COP26 and the lessons EAAFP can take away. After the debriefing, the ER/FD reporting of 2021, ER/FD 2022 work plan and discussion on EAAFP Foundation’s future strategy followed. Ms. You Jin Lee, the Foundation Coordinator, reported on the key achievements of the EAAFP Foundation in 2021. The Foundation’s Small Grant programme for Korean civil society organizations and Bird Meets Arts Project with Yeonsu Foundation for Arts and Culture were highlighted as it contributed to raising awareness of the conservation of migratory waterbirds and their habitats in general public and local communities. A lot of feedbacks for two initiatives were shared with a focus on how to improve the programme and what the challenges are. All the inputs and feedback were helpful and productive to help the EAAFP Foundation grow and strengthen the relationship with the supporting organizations and local community. Mr. Yun gave a closing that maintaining a good network with supporters with positive relationship would be a key among others. Overall, the workshop was a great opportunity for team engagement and to learn more about tidal flats.

Birdwatching at Songsan Reservoir © EAAFP Secretariat

Birdwatching at Songsan Reservoir © EAAFP Secretariat

© EAAFP Secretariat