The East Asian–Australasian Flyway is one of the major flyways in the world which is home for approximately 50 million migratory waterbird species that rely on the wetland habitats. The Flyway stretches from Arctic Russia and Alaska of U.S.A., through East Asia and Southeast Asia, down to Australia and New Zealand. The EAAFP established the Flyway Site Network to ensure the network of internationally important sites is sustainably managed to support the long-term survival of migratory waterbirds. The Flyway Network Sites (FNS) are nominated by EAAFP national Partners. FNS at different countries can sign off the Sister Sites Agreements to enhance collaboration.

The routes that migratory waterbirds traverse on an annual basis are known as 'flyways'. This map is largely based on Shorebird routes.
The Flyways

Green dots indicate important sites for migratory waterbirds and red dots indicate sites in the Flyway Site Network.