Photo credit: Action for Clean Environment
The East Asian –Australasian Flyway Partnership received the 2019 Global Clean Environment Awards in the Public Service category for its tireless efforts to protect migratory waterbirds and their habitats.
On Tuesday 5th November the EAAFP Secretariat was invited to 2019 Global Clean Environment Awards ceremony that was held in the National Assembly’s Banquet Room. The ceremony was organized by Action for Clean Environment and Woojin Management and Legal Affair Institute. The organizer, Action for Clean Environment (ACE) is a non-profit organization in Korea with a mission of protecting people from environmental pollution all over the world. The Awarding Committee selected five winners in Public Service, Business, and Entertainment Categories.
- Public service: The East Asian – Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP)
- Business: SK Siltron, Grape Lab (Social Enterprise)
- Entertainment: Eric Nam, Yura (Girl’s Day)
In his congratulatory remarks, Dr. Sei-joong Kwon, the Ambassador for Arctic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that “Now is the time to figure out what we can do for the next generation.” He alerted the audience on the climate crisis that is two to three times faster in the Arctic region and encouraged cooperation among different stakeholders.

Photo credit: Action for Clean Environment
The Awarding Committee commented on the reason for selecting the five winners. The Committee emphasized the effort made by the EAAFP in designating Flyway Network Sites around the EAAF region, organizing public awareness events such as World Migratory Bird Day and Waterbirds Photo Contest. The Committee closed the comments by saying they are looking forward to EAAFP’s active support in environmental protection in the Republic of Korea in coming years.

Photo credit: Sojung Kang