EAAFP Partners engagement at Ramsar COP14

The 14th Conference of the Parties (COP14) of The Convention on Wetlands will take place from 5 to 13 November 2022, with the theme “Wetlands Actions for People and Nature”. Hosted by China and taking place in both Wuhan, China and Geneva, Switzerland, this Hybrid Conference will convene all Contracting Parties and Observers of the Ramsar Convention to adopt resolutions for administering the Convention and guiding its implementation. The EAAFP Secretariat and our Partners will take part in the discussions actively by attending the conference, organizing side events and running booths. The partnership will assist in working towards a better future for wetlands and migratory birds.


For information on the COP14 agenda and resolutions, visit the COP14 webpage [here].

The Secretariat is summarizing the side events organized or joined by the EAAFP Secretariat and the Partners. You can download the flyer highlighting the side events by EAAFP and Partners [here]

For a full schedule of side events, click [here] .


Global Mangroves into 2030/2050Mangrove Foundation(MCF, China),
National Forestry and Grassland Administration PRC, UNDP-GEF, UN Ocean IUCN, WWF, Wetlands International, The Global Mangrove Alliance
12:15-13:15Plenary C
Delivering the Global Biodiversity Framework: Inland Water Global Restoration Targets for the next DecadeWorld Wildlife Fund (WWF),
TNC, IUCN, Wetland International, Birdlife, WWT
12:15-13:15Plenary F
The Universal Declaration of the Rights of Wetlands: A Paradigm Shift to Meet Global ChallengesSociety of Wetland Scientists, Wetlands International12:15-13:15Plenary E
Finance for Adaptation, Biodiversity and Wetlands: what are we learning from evaluationsIndependent Evaluation Unit, Green Climate Fund, ADB-IED, DEval, EBRD, EIB, CIFOR-ICRAF, IUCN, AF-TERG12:15-13:15Room 14
Interactive dialogue on the importance of wetlands, climate change and ecosystem serviceMinisterio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales de Republica Dominicana,
Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología y Medio Ambiente de Cuba, Barbados, Belize, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Suriname,Trinidad and Tobago, the Secretariatof the Ramsar Convention on Wetland, Stur University and Delft Institute
18:30-19:30Plenary F
Community wetland management for livelihood and biodiversity resilienceInternational Water Management Institute, Sri Lanka, Cobra Collective, UK International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Department of Wildlife Conservation, Ministry of Environment and Wildlife Resources Sri Lanka (Ramsar focal point)18:30-19:30Room 4
Recommendations on 'Delivering the EU Green Deal through landscape restoration. A 4R Framework lens for integrating multiple policy priorities.'Wetlands International,
Commonland, Landscape Finance Lab
18:30-19:30Plenary E
Global Wetland Watch, the World Wetland Network and Civil Society Engagement with the Ramsar ConventionWildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT),
Society of Wetland Scientists; Cobra Collective; World Wetland Network
18:30-19:30Room 14
Reducing the impact of sand mining to conserve the world wetlandsWorld Wildlife Fund (WWF), UNEP, IUCN, Holcim/Lafarge
19:45-20:45Plenary C
Launch of the 2022 IUCN situation analysis on intertidal wetlands in the Yellow Sea (PRC, DPRK and RoK)International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN),
East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP), Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of the Republic of Korea, Korea Marine Environment Management Corporation, Birdlife International, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Wetlands International, Hanns Seidel Foundation, Korea Getbol World Heritage Pro
19:45-20:45Plenary F
Wetlands as Nature-based Solution for sustainable food productionThe Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Secretariat, CGIAR19:45-20:45Room 14
How to run Ramsar sites over time? Feedbacks to improve wetlands managementAssociation Ramsar France, French Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea Ministry of Environment19:45-20:45Plenary E
Wetlands as Nature-based Solutions for Sustainable Development and Climate Change MitigationMedWet MedSea Foundation, EuroNatur, WWF Tunisie, WWF Spain, Tour du Valat, IUCN ECARO, BirdLife Europe, IUCN-Med, MAVA Foundation19:45-20:45Room 3
LAUNCH OF THE WORLD COASTAL FORUMBirdLife International, Eco-Foundation Global Ministry of Natural Resources of China National Forestry and Grassland Administration of China Yancheng Municipal People's Government, China World Coastal Forum Establishment Group members (to be added)
13:15-14:15Plenary F
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84914398993?pwd=eER2K2hwSHdIeVNSMGtZei9BRUcrZz09
Meeting ID: 849 1439 8993 PIN: 468384
Unpacking the potential of wetlands for addressing climate change and biodiversity lossInternational Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Geneva Environment Network, ICLEI Europe
13:15-14:15Room 3
Ramsar’s new approach to delivering better CEPA and the new WWT global wetland capacity building facilityWildfowl & Wetlands Trust(WWT), Mangrove Foundation (MCF), RRC-EA, Society of Wetland Scientist, The Nature Conservancy, Youth Engaged in Wetlands13:15-14:15Room 14
Regional Collaboration for Wetlands Wise Use in South AsiaWetlands International South Asia, Ramsar Regional Center East Asia International Water Management Institute GIZ-India (Indo German Biodiversity Programme)18:30-19:30Plenary F
Celebrating wetlands during the World Wetlands DayAssociation Ramsar France Mediterranean Wetlands Initiative (MedWet)18:30-19:30Plenary E
Advancing the Regional Flyway Initiative (RFI) in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway for the sustainable management of wetlandsBirdLife International, East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership, Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Secretariat Asian Development Bank19:45-20:45Plenary C
The hybrid link: https://birdlife.zoom.us/j/87951376150?pwd=R3ZyZHdiS0xmbWtHSElwWlV0Q0ovUT09
Action for People and Rice Paddies as a Sustainable Wetland EcosystemMinistry of the Environment, Japan (MOE-J), Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (MAFF-J), and Ramsar Network Japan (RNJ), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO) and Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea (ME-K)19:45-20:45Room 14
Ramsar CEPA for Wetland Conservation Mangrove Foundation(MCF)07:00-11:00Virtual
Global Waterbird Flyways and Habitats Conservation ForumAcademy of Forestry Inventory and Planning/National Forestry and Grassland Administration (NFGA);
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in China; Beijing Forestry University; China Wildlife Conservation Association (CWCA);
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF); International Crane Foundation (ICF), China Wetlands Association; Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research/Chinese Academy of Science; East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP); Paulson Institute; Wetlands International; SEE Foundation; Mangrove Conservation Foundation (MCF); Inner Mongolia Lao Niu Foundation
07:00-10:30Virtual, On-site (Wuhan, China)
Wetland Education in Formal Education : Application and PracticesMinistry of Environment of the Republic of Korea, Upo Ecology Education Institute (of Gyeongsangnamdo Office of Education), Gyeongsangnam-do Ramsar Environmental Foundation, Jeju Special Self-Governing Provincial Office of Education, Suncheon Bay Institute of Eco-Culture Education (of Jeollanamdo Office)13:15-14:15Plenary F
Launch of the Indo-Burma Wetland Outlook: Key recommendations for strengthening collaboration through the Indo-Burma Ramsar Regional InitiativeInternational Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Indo-Burma Ramsar Regional Initiative Secretariat, Governments of: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP), WWT, ASEAN Center for Biodiversity
18:30-19:30Plenary E
Wetland Link International, Flyway CEPA approaches, and the WWT Wetland Centre Star AwardsWildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT), Mangrove Foundation (MCF), RRC-EA, EAAFP, AEWA, Environment for the Americas (EftA)19:45-20:45Plenary C
Selected key results of the RESSOURCE project: (1) Promoting waterlily cultivation in the Senegal delta; (2) supporting the designation of the 4th Sudanese Ramsar site and (3) developing a MOOC on African waterbirds and wetlandsFood and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources (Sudan), Tour du Valat (Unité de Soutien Technique à l'initiative africaine de l'AEWA), Office Français de la Biodiversité, OMPO (Oiseaux Migrateurs du Palearctique Occidental), Fondation François Sommer19:45-20:45Plenary E
Investing in National Wetlands Inventories: A key building block to meeting the Sustainable Development GoalsSecretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, Aguaconsult and Sturt University, Barbados, Costa Rica, Myanmar, Norway, Uganda, Aguaconsult and Sturt University19:45-20:45Plenary F
The Wetland City Accreditation : All You Need to KnowMinistry of Environment of the Republic of Korea (MOE-K), Local Governments for Sustainability Ramsar Regional Centre-East Asia(ICLEI)13:15-14:15Plenary F
The Natural Flow of Water – Key to conservation and restoration of wetland biodiversityKorea Wetland NGO Network / Ramsar Network Japan, World Wetland Network(WWN), International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust(WWT), East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership(EAAFP)13:15-14:15Room 14
Learning from newly accredited Wetland CitiesRamsar Regional Center - East Asia, Ministry of Environment - Korea, Independent Advisory Committee for Wetland City Accreditation of the Ramsar Convention, CLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability18:00-20:00Amphitheatre D
Wetlands – crucial for national climate commitmentsWetlands International, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO), Greifswald Mire Center, The Ramsar Secretariat, GPI/UNEP18:30-19:30Plenary C
Side Event on the Wetland City Accreditation and the Ramsar AwardMinistry of the Environment, Japan (MOE-J)19:45-20:45Plenary E
Collaboration to meet global goals on nature, climate and people - the importance of protecting and conserving Ramsar sitesInternational Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), BirdLife International, International Water Management Institute, Wetlands International, Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, WWF (the IOPs) and International Crane Foundation13:15-14:15Plenary F
River cetaceans and Ramsar: building consensus on global conservation prioritiesWorld Wildlife Fund (WWF) International, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural affairs of the People’s Republic of China18:30-19:30Plenary E
Lessons from multi country, multi stakeholder experiences on urban wetlands policy and regulatory initiativesWWF-India, EPCO State Wetland Authority,
Rwanda Environment Management Authority,
Ramsar Regional Center in the Western Hemisphere (CREHO),
Coastal Solutions Fellowship/Cornell Lab of Ornithology & Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
18:30-19:30Room 3
Collective action models on urban wetland conservation and rehabilitationWWF-India, EPCO State Wetland Authority,
Rwanda Environment Management Authority,
Ramsar Regional Center in the Western Hemisphere (CREHO),
Coastal Solutions Fellowship/Cornell Lab of Ornithology & Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
19:45-20:45Room 3
The Future of Wetlands - an Intergenerational DialogueYouth Engaged in Wetlands, East Asia-Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP), Wetlands International (WI), Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT), World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB), Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Secretariat (TBC), Mangrove Conservation19:45-20:45Plenary C


For the entire schedule, please visit [here].

For social media promotion materials, please find them [here].


Please also visit the booths of EAAFP and our Partners at COP14 in Geneva:

Mangrove Foundation China, Wetlands International Japan, Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, Ramsar Regional Center-East Asia, and China

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