Global Knowledge Centre for Biodiversity – a service to support Parties and stakeholders’ implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework | EC | UNEP-WCMC | CBD | GBIF | 13:15 | Brahmaputra
511C-F |
Inclusive and Effective Implementation of Draft Target 3: Lessons Learnt from Past Country Experiences | GEF | CBD | WWF | WCPA | 13:15 | Salween
514A |
The Satoyama Initiative: A Decade of Working for Societies in Harmony with Nature | UNU-IAS | MOEJ | IGES | UNDP | CBD | IPSI | CI | ADB | 13:15 | Yangzte
516CDE |
Small-Scale Fisheries and Aquaculture: Rich Reservoirs of Biodiversity and Nutrition to Preserve, Cultivate and Sustainably Consume | Iceland | Canada | WWF | 13:15 | Tomaga
510C |
Indigenous Peoples, Local Communities and the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework | IIFB | CBD | SwedBio | Nia Tero | IIN | filac | 18:15 | Yellow
513A |
Delivering Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework : Role for New Approaches in Science-Policy-Society Interfaces | UNEP | CBD | 18:15 | Danube
510A |
Walking the talk towards a Transformative GBF – Voices from civil society on issues at stake for a successful agreement | Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework - EU Support | WWF | Nature Positive Coalition | Business for Nature | ICLEI | GYBN | 18:15 | Shilin
514B |
“Tools & Solutions for the implementation of Post 2020 GBF: Enhancing Synergies & Cooperation” | UNEP | UNEP-WCMC | CBD | European Union | Switzerland | Sweden | Cameroon | 18:15 | Nile
511BE |
“CitiesWithNature and RegionsWithNature: Mobilizing funding, projects, commitment to take action and reporting at subnational levels” | ICLEI | REgions4 | IUCN | UNEP-WCMC | 18:15 | Side-event 2
512F |
“Beyond the Status Quo: Reimagining the Future of Conservation NGOs” | ICCA Consortium | IUCN CEESP | 18:15 | Side-event 1
512E |
| | | |
Showcasing Technical & Scientific Cooperation: The Bio-Bridge Initiative | CBD | 13:15 | Gagligong
514C |
Nature-Positive Infrastructure: Connecting Communities – Safeguarding the Planet | WWF | ADB | AfDB | UNEP | Colombia | Nepal | TNC | WCS | CMS | WCPA | GIB | IADB | 13:15 | Danube
510A |
Fisheries in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework: where and how do they fit? | EBCD | IUCN-CEM-FEG | FAO | CBD | 13:15 | Side-event 1
512E |
SPACES coalition: the role of spatial planning in delivering on targets for climate and nature | UNEP-WCMC | Colombia | IIASA | IIS | UNDP | 13:15 | Nile
511BE |
Connecting the crises: Integrating ecological connectivity in the Post-2020 GBF to combat biodiversity loss, climate change, land degradation and the next pandemic | CMS | UNCCD | WWF | CLLC | IUCN | UNEP-WCMC | Zambia | CBCGDF | PCA | gcr | 13:15 | Brahmaputra
511C-F |
How the Global Species Action Plan (GSAP) supports the implementation of the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework to deliver species conservation outcomes. | Republic of Korea | IUCN | France | Türkiye | Birdlife | WWF | 18:15 | Yellow
513A |
Nature:Innovative Pathway towards the Carbon Neutral Future | ADB | 18:15 | Salween
514A |
How a human rights-based approach can deliver a truly transformative and just post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework | SwedBio | FPP | WWF | ICCA Consortium | IIFB | FARN | W4B | UNEP | OHCHR | GYBN | COOPESOLIDAR | Birdlife | GIZ | SGI | IIED | Tebtebba | CBD | 18:15 | Side-event 1
512E |
Towards sustainable use of wild species for people, nature and positive health outcomes: Robust measurement of national and global commitments around harvest, use and trade | TRAFFIC | 18:15 | Side-event 2
512F |
Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs)--Describing the special places of the ocean in a changing world | CBD | GOBI | 18:15 | Amphitheatre D |
| | | |
Small Farmers, Farmer Seeds Systems and Sustainability: Linking Indigenous Communities with Science & multiple stakeholders via local NGOs platform for collaboration, innovation and adaptation | CAAS | IIED | ANDES | 13:15 | Brahmaputra
511C-F |
What does transformative ambition of the post-2020 GBF look like? | UFZ | IVM VU | DFFE | Madagascar | GIZ | CF alliance | 16:00 | Side-event 2
512F |
From Local to Global: Collaborative Efforts to Protect Marine Biodiversity in a Changing Climate | United States of America | 18:15 | Friends of the Chair Room 2
516B |
512E |
Protecting Vietnam's Natural Heritage | Viet Nam | WWF | TBC | TBC |
Nature-based Solutions to climate change and other social challenges by conservation and restoration of mangrove ecosystem, focusing on its multiple services | JICA | CBD | MOEJ | UNU-IAS | IPSI | Indonesia | TBC | TBC |
Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilization in Eurasian Biodiversity Hotspots | Kib | TBC | TBC |
Sustainable, integrated and inclusive open data on biodiversity for people and planet. | MCTI | RNP | TBC | TBC |
Deepening synergies between the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the 2030 Agenda, the Paris Agreement and risk-informed sustainable and regenerative development | UNDRR | FEBA | TBC | TBC |
| | | |
The Knowledge Management for Biodiversity Initiative | CBD | 13:15 | Jinsha
513B |
Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework: Chinese Business in Action | FECO,CHINA | CI | TNC | WRI | 13:15 | Nile
511BE |
Nature-based climate solutions: Enhancing biodiversity co-benefits | IISD | GAC | 13:15 | Brahmaputra
511C-F |
Local solutions to global problems: How the Edinburgh Declaration highlights the critical role of local, regional and subnational governments in delivering the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. | SG | IUCN | ICLEI | CBD | Regions4 | 13:15 | Salween
514A |
A more effective and inclusive approach to benefit creation and sharing – perspectives from different stakeholders | ICC | 13:15 | Side-event 2
512F |
Beyond 30 by 30: Alternative perspectives on area-based conservation for ambitious implementation | GYBN | UNESCO | IUCN CEESP | 13:15 | Amazon
511AD |
Indigenous and local communities small scale fisheries: local stewardship for the implementation of the 2030 biodiversity conservation agenda | Blue Ventures | Coope solidar | SSNC | SwedBio | ICCA Consortium | CBD | gcr | ICSF/CIAPA | CFFA | Lmma network | Marine network | CAOPA | SSF Hub | W4B | Packard Foundation | Synchronicity Earth | 16:00 | Side-event 1
512E |
From Aichi Target 11 to 30 x 30: Marine ecosystem connectivity & science-driven processes in support of decision making. | OFB | 18:15 | Cangshan
513C |
ASEAN Strides Towards the Achievement of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. | ACB | ASEAN Sec | PEW | 18:15 | Side-event 1
512E |
Realizing the right to a healthy environment: UN system contributions to integrating human rights in biodiversity action. | OHCHR | UNEP-DELC | UNDP | FAO | 18:15 | Salween
514A |
| | | |
The Sustainable Ocean Initiative: Learning from the past to better build capacity to achieve global ocean goals into the future | CBD | MOF Korea | JBF | OFB | 13:15 | Danube
510A |
Indigenous-led nature-based climate solutions – an instrument to enhance rights and achieve biodiversity targets | Deloitte | 13:15 | Yellow
513A |
Greener cities, cooler planet, healthier people: unleashing the power of urban nature | UNEP | 13:15 | Side-event 2
512F |
Sustainable Infrastructure for Biodiversity Conservation in Asia | ADB | WWF | CMS | Philippines | Fiji | Nepal | India | 16:00 | Side-event 2
512F |
JOINT EFFORTS TO PROMOTE BIOSAFETY THROUGH MULTI-COUNTRY COOPERATION | UNEP | Mongolia | India | Philippines | Bangladesh | KIPABiC | Republic of Korea | 18:15 | Cangshan
513C |
Coordinated support from UN-Oceans for the implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework | UN-Oceans | 18:15 | Gagligong
514C |
Climate action through nature: How countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) are including Nature-based Solutions in their NDC (Nationally Determined Contributions) to secure biodiversity benefits and equity | GIZ | European Union | Costa Rica | 18:15 | Yellow
513A |
Benign versus harmful resource mobilization. | GFC | ECONEXUS | IIN | 18:15 | Salween
514A |
| | | |
Forest Ecosystem Restoration - a crucial piece of the new Global Biodiversity Framework | CBD | FAO | 13:15 | Jinsha
513B |
Caribbean Marine Biodiversity- Celebrating Haiti's Success | Haiti | TNC | 13:15 | Salween
514A |
Interconnecting UN action using biodiversity as the key. | UNU-EHS | 13:15 | Danube
510A |
From the Aichi Targets to the post-2020 GBF: expanding global partnerships to recognize the role of Indigenous Peoples and local communities’ territories and areas (ICCAs) for biodiversity conservation and human well-being | UNDP | BMUV | GEF-SGP | ICCA Consortium | UNEP-WCMC | 13:15 | Side-event 2
512F |
The imperative for international standards to achieve global biodiversity targets | ISO | 13:15 | Amazon
511AD |
Mobilising the biodiversity-related Conventions on the implementation of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework | CBD | CITES | CMS | Ramsar | IPPC Secretariat | ITPGRFA | IWC | WHC | 13:15 | Tomaga
510C |
Action for Peace and Biodiversity | CBD | 16:00 | Side-event 1
512E |
| | | |
Nature-based Solutions for Health | WHO | IUCN | FEBA | 13:15 | Yellow
513A |
The role of sustainable management of wild species by Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) in meeting the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) | CBD | CIFOR | CITES | CMS | FAO | CIC | IIFB | IIED | ITC | IUCN | TRAFFIC | UNEP-WCMC | 13:15 | Side-event 2
512F |
Sites for Sustainable Development: UNESCO sites at the forefront of innovative local solutions to the global biodiversity crisis. | UNESCO | Canada | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | 13:15 | Side-event 1
512E |
Does the GBF respond to the transformative change needed to save biodiversity? | CBDA | ECONEXUS | W4B | GFC | 13:15 | Tomaga
510C |
The launching of the phase 2 of the Japan Biodiversity Fund (JBF) and Japan’s contributions for the implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework | MOEJ | CBD | UNDP | GYBN | 18:15 | Side-event 2
512F |
| | | |
China’s Role in Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development | CCICED | 13:15 | St. Lawrence
210BCD-FGH |
Just transformations – Tenure rights as the basis for restoring land and biodiversity while protecting people and livelihoods. | UNCCD | 13:15 | Side-event 2
512F |
COMDEKS Phase 4: Contribution of the Satoyama Initiative to the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. | UNDP | GEF-SGP | MOEJ | UNU-IAS | GEF | CBD | 13:15 | Salween
514A |
Beyond National Parks: Innovative implementation of 30 by 30 | Australia | 13:15 | Gagligong
514C |
High-level informal roundtable on biodiversity and climate change | CBD | United Arab Emirates | 13:15 | Yellow
513A |
Integrating Nature & Climate Action: A Conversation with Policy and Industry Leaders on the Opportunities | WB | 13:15 | Yangzte
516CDE |
I’s on the Ocean: Integration, Implementation, Impact | WWF | WEF | CBD | 18:15 | Shilin
514B |
UNESCO Earth Network, a programme to strengthen the role of UNESCO designated sites in the implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework and the 2030 Agenda | UNESCO | Italy | 18:15 | Cangshan
513C |
Aligning the Financial Flows for an Ecological Civilization – how to speed up the momentum | WWF | Malaysia | 18:15 | Side-event 2
512F |
International Cooperation for Biodiversity Accelerated Action – Launch of the NBSAP Partnership | Minambiente | Germany | Colombia | UNEP | UNDP | CBD | 18:15 | Side-event 1
512E |
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High Ambition Moment for Biodiversity | LPN | GOA | 13:15 | Jinsha
513B |
Climate Change Adaptation Project for the Creation of a Center for Innovation and Coexistence in Adverse Climatic Situations in Niger : Technology Transfer and Social Knowledge Exchange and Environmental. | PBL | UQÀM | UNDP | USAID | BMZ | 18:15 | Side-event 2
512F |
Nature Conservation Action for a Resilient Pacific | SPREP | Cook Islands | Fiji | Kiribati | Marshall Islands | Solomon Islands | Samoa | Papua New Guinea | Palau | Niue | Tonga | Tuvalu | Vanuatu | 18:15 | Yuan Yang
513D |
The Bamboo Forest Biodiversity, Ecological-Economic Complex, and Carbon Sink | ICBR | 18:15 | Yellow
513A |
Long-term Vision of the GCF and GEF: Harnessing the Nexus of Climate Change and Biodiversity | GEF | 18:15 | Shilin
514B |
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Enforcing Community led biodiversity conservation leadership within the Guinean Forest of West Africa. | AJESH | 13:15 | Gagligong
514C |
Kick-off implementation of the GBF with youth! The next big step to truly transform our future. | GYBN | UNESCO | 13:15 | Jinsha
513B |