On December 6, 2021, an interview video of the representatives of YSFAC and EAAFP Foundation was released to celebrate the successful completion of the [Bird Meets Arts] project. The video features Mr. Doug Watkins, chairperson of the EAAFP Foundation and chief executive of the EAAFP Secretariat, and Mr. Lim Chul-bin, CEO of the Yeonsu Foundation for Arts and Culture.
First of all, Mr. Doug Watkins, chairperson of the EAAFP Foundation, briefly introduced the EAAFP Secretariat and the EAAFP Foundation and explained the purpose of the project. Mr. Lim Chul-bin, CEO of the Yeonsu Foundation for Arts and Culture, delivered a message of congratulation on the successful completion of the first cooperative project, [Bird Meets Arts], that began after the MOU signing between the two Foundations in March this year.
Subsequently, representatives of both Foundations introduced the highlights of each video, summarizing a total of six episodes. The first episode, ” Migratory Birds in Yeonsu, Incheon,” was recording various migratory bird species and their beauty visiting Songdo Tidal Flats (EAAF145) with a Incheon citizen monitoring team. The second episode, “Wetland,” introduced ecological value and importance of Songdo tidal flats and wetlands in Yeonsu-gu through the short lecture by Dr. Lee Ki-sup, the Chief Executive of Waterbird Network Korea and Chair of EAAFP Black-faced Spoonbill Working Group. In the third episode, ” History of Songdo Tidal Flat, Yeonsu,” Mr. Yoo Dong-hyun, Director of the Incheon City Museum, walked viewers through the history of Songdo fishing village and Aam Island with his photo archive and provided the public with an opportunity to think about the value of recording. The fourth episode, ‘ Illustration and CEPA‘, invited the ecologist Dr. Choi Green, the representative of MEET GREEN, who introduces nature and birds through illustration in a friendly way to the public. The fifth episode, Youth, was able to meet three young Korean environmental activists who are working hard in the environmental field and delivered their motivation and voices, and in the sixth episode, Music, Korean singer-songwriter Mr. Jeon Yoodong, who works on birds-themed music, and Australia’s Bowerbird Collective presented a collaborative work that transcends language and distance barriers and expresses birds through music.
Mr. Lim Chul-bin, CEO of the Yeonsu Cultural Foundation, said, “History of Songdo Tidal Flat, Yeonsu” and “Music” were the most impressive among the six episodes and mentioned that the episode helped to learn the value of recording the past and share deep communication with birds.
Mr. Doug Watkins, chairperson of the EAAFP Foundation emphasized that Songdo Tidal Flat is a Ramsar wetland in Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, and designated as an EAAFP Flyway Network (FNS) site (EAAF145). He added that he hopes it will provide an opportunity to the public to think deeply about migratory waterbirds and their habitats.
Lastly, the representatives of the two Foundations expressed their deep gratitude to each other by closing that the two organizations look forward to more collaboration building on the successful completion of [Bird Meets Arts] project.
✅Watch the Bird Meets Arts Highlight✅
The “Birds Meets Arts” series produced total six videos. Each episode was released in a monthly basis from May 2021 in Korean and English version.
EP1: Migratory Waterbirds in Yeonsu, Incheon, RO Korea
EP2: Wetland
EP3: History of Songdo Tidal Flat, Yeonsu
EP4: Illustration and CEPA
EP5: Youth
EP6: Music
About EAAFP Foundation
The EAAFP Foundation was established in 2019 to contribute to providing the Partnership with a mechanism to support sustainable financing and expand its engagement with various types of organizations for the conservation of migratory waterbirds and habitats in EAA Flyway. The Foundation office is based in Songdo, Incheon, Republic of Korea. For more information, visit https://foundation.eaaflyway.net/