Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day 2012

WMBD Poster for EAAF region © EAAFP and UNEP/CMS & UNEP/AEWA

WMBD Poster for EAAF region © EAAFP and UNEP/CMS & UNEP/AEWA

World Migratory Bird Day is a global, annual awareness campaign to promote the conservation of migratory birds and their habitats worldwide. According to WMBD team in Germany, over 140 events have already registered for World Migratory Bird Day 2012. Join the celebration by organising bird-watching events, educational programmes, lectures, competitions and other public events. It is not too late to order WMBD materials to support your event. EAAFP still have posters. Also, its design CD for your local translated poster and Information Flyer can be sent anytime when you request.

For more information please visit/contact the following contact persons:

EAAFP Secretariat, Ms. Minseon Kim
[email protected]

UNEP/CMS Secretariat: Mr. Sean Wright
[email protected]

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