Wild Migratory Waterbirds are the Victims of Bird Flu, not the Cause
As a new bird flu outbreak hits domestic duck farms in North Jeolla province in Korea this week, we are hearing…
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Destination Flyways – Turning one billion tourists into one billion opportunities to protect the world’s original long-distance travellers
In 2012, a record one billion tourists crossed international borders – a true milestone in…
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EAAFP Black-faced Spoonbill Working Group held on 12 October 2013 in South Korea
The inaugural meeting of the EAAFP Black-faced Spoonbill Working Group was held on 12 October 2013 at the EAAFP Secretariat in Songdo, South Korea.
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Seosan workshop to document best practice for the design and operation of wetland education centres
The workshop on best practices for the design and operation of wetland education centres was held in Cheonsu Bay (Seosan, South…
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First Asia Parks Congress
With the generous support of the Ministry of Environment of Japan, Spike Millington, EAAFP Chief Executive was able to attend the First Asia Parks Congress in Sendai, Japan on…
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Asian Regional Workshop on the Management of Wetlands and Flyway Sites held in September 2013
EAAFP, together with the Society…
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North-East Asian Sub-regional Programme for Environmental Cooperation (NEASPEC) called the expert group meeting for key migratory birds
The North-East Asian Sub-regional Programme for Environmental…
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