Haesong high school students visit G-Tower
Read in other languages: Joohee Lee, EAAFP Intern
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EAAFP e-Newsletter as a tool to raise awareness on the country level
Read in Japanese (???) by EAAFP Secretariat Mr. Yusuke…
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Mongolian national wetland and flyway manager training workshop in Ulanbaatar in October, 2015
by EAAFP Secretariat A very successful Mongolian national wetland…
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Technical Supervision on EAAFP for Stakeholders of Wasur National Park, Indonesia
Reported by Agung Nugroho (Ministry of Environment and Forestry) and Yus Rusila Noor (Wetlands International Indonesia) Merauke, 27–28 August 2015 …
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China’s land reclamation is endangering some of the world’s rarest waterbirds
By Spike Millington, Chief Executive of EAAFP In late April,…
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Scaly-sided Merganser Task Force workshop on the Single Species International Action Plan in Vladivostok, Russia
by Judit Szabo, Science Officer of EAAFP Secretariat The Scaly-sided Merganser is a beautiful and rare duck breeding…
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Capacity-building workshop for East Asia and Southeast Asia on achieving Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 and 12
by EAAFP Secretariat Spike Millington, Chief Executive of the East Asian–Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) gave a presentation…
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A Wader Ringing Program: Hitting the ground running….
Nigel Clark (British Trust for Ornithology) and Jing Li (SBS in China) Together with ‘SBS in China’ I am leading a group of international…
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Baer’s Pochard Task Force has been established
The Baer’s Pochard is a Critically Endangered species on the edge of extinction in the wild. It has undergone a decline that has accelerated rapidly in recent years, and…
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