The EAAFP Secretariat visit to 2019 SWS-Asia Chapter and KWS Joint Meeting in Suncheon, ROK
Organizers: Society of Wetland Scientists – Asia Chapter, Suncheon City, Ramsar Regional Center – East Asia (RRC-EA), and Korean Wetlands Society.
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World Migratory Bird Day 2018- Bangladesh
Event title:World Migratory Bird Day Event Organizer:Nature Conservation Society Participants: Nearly 1200. Most of them were school and college students & members of the local community Outcome:- Mass awareness for youth and local community for the conservation of wetlands and supported species, specifically migratory birds.- Motivation of policy makers, social and media personnel.- Conservation education program for school and college teachers. Summary:In Bangladesh World Migratory Bird Day 2018 was celebrated in a colorful way. The main event was conducted in Shunamgonj. On 10th May a colorful rally was organized by Nature Conservation Society with the help of local Forest Division followed by a seminar at Shaheed Abul Hossain Auditorium, Shunamgong. Near about thousand took part in that rally in which most of them were school and college children & haor community people. Representatives from District Administration, Police Department, NGOs, College and School, Co-management Council, Local Government, Forest Department, Fisheries Department, Environment Department and University teachers were also present as the resources person of that program. 03 presentations on Migratory Birds & Biodiversity of Wetlands were presented in the seminar. At the end of the seminar, a shot drama was presented by the Nature Conservation & Study Club of Jagannath University on the importance of migratory birds and wetland. The aim of this program at the migratory birds habitat site was to raise awareness and the get involvement of next generation of the local community towards conservation of migratory birds and its habitat. For more photographs, visit our Flickr album.
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The Convention on Biological Diversity welcomes new Executive Secretary
PRESS RELEASE: Cristiana Paşca Palmer assumes position as Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity 20 March 2017 Convention on Biological Diversity
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选择其他语言: 刘琴, 中外对话 2017年1月9日 中国江西省已着手准备在全国最大的淡水湖与最大的河流之间拦起一道水闸,目前这一计划正遭到激烈辩论。
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选择其他语言: 2016年11月28日、保尔森基金会 滨海湿地是一类重要的生态系统,可以保护沿海地区免受海平面上升和极端气候的影响,并为数以百万计的迁徙鸟类提供停歇地。然而,自1950年代以来,受工农业开发、城镇化、过度养殖和入侵物种等影响,中国近60%的滨海湿地已经丧失。根据中国国际湿地公约履约办公室、保尔森基金会和中科院地理科学与资源研究所共同开展的“中国滨海湿地保护管理战略研究”项目(简称:蓝图项目)的研究结果,在中国所有的生态系统中,沿海湿地受到的威胁最严重,而受保护程度却最低。现在正是候鸟迁徙的季节,大量的迁徙水鸟在中国的滨海湿地停歇,补充食物和能量,然后继续飞往更南方的越冬地。为保护这些至关重要但濒临险境的候鸟栖息地,蓝图项目提出了以下政策建议:
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江苏省滨海湿地区内潮间带淤泥质海滩(滩涂)为亚洲最大规模的同类型湿地,为勺嘴鹬、黑嘴鸥、小青脚鹬等濒危候鸟提供重要栖息地和迁徙通道,是其在东亚-澳大利西亚迁飞路线(EAAF)上重要的“加油站”。然而随着沿海开发建设速度加快,一些传统威胁因子对滨海湿地的负面影响逐步加大,同时又新增了一些威胁因素。正如《江苏省湿地保护规划(2015-2030年)》中提到的“(本省)滩涂围垦力度持续加大。本区(滨海湿地)滩涂围垦历史悠久,有效增加了可利用土地资源,促进了沿海经济发展,同时也导致滨海湿地面积急剧减少,重要野生动物栖息地不断缩减,湿地生物多样性受到威胁”。 正值一年一度世界湿地日,中华社会救助基金会下设的专项基金“让候鸟飞公益基金”发布了题为《抢救江苏东台条子泥》的关于东台滩涂保护纪录片;与此同时,澎湃新闻发文《中国“湿地危机”:大规模围填仍在进行,8亿亩红线或被突破》,强调江苏省滨海湿地正在面临着来自“百万滩涂”围垦项目的巨大威胁,其中就包括被联合国教科文组织认定为“太平洋西岸唯一未被污染的滨海湿地”的东台市沿海滩涂湿地,而东台条子泥围垦项目计划面积多达40多万亩,一期已围填10.12万亩,二期计划围垦12.67万亩,正在报备国家海洋局审批。EAAFP轮值主席、中国国家林业局野生动物保护司总工程师严旬,EAAFP首席执行官Spike Millington先生,EAAFP黄海生态区特别工作组中国代表张正旺教授,EAAFP中华秋沙鸭特别工作组主席雷光春教授分别就沿海滩涂围垦在采访中发表了自己的观点。点击查看澎湃新闻原文
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