Black-faced Spoonbill Working Group

A globally Endangered species, the Black-faced Spoonbill (BFS) population was estimated at 3,356 birds in the 2016 census. While this is a welcome increase over the few hundred individuals known in the early 1990's it still represents a relatively small global population with many vulnerable breeding colonies and deteriorating wintering sites. Read more about the species here. The Black-faced Spoonbill Working Group was set up in October 2013 to coordinate conservation efforts using the International Single Action Plan (2010) as the basis of their on-going work. The Working Group members include representatives from all of the principle range states.

The objectives of the Working Group include:

  1. Preserving important breeding, staging, and wintering habitats for the species.
  2. Encouraging joint and coordinated management efforts between Flyway Network Sites and reserves in all distributed regions.
  3. Promoting the exchange of information between different countries and agencies.
  4. Maintaining and sharing a database on the BFS information and important sites; carry out studies and research on the BFS conservation.
  5. Carrying out studies and promoting the sustainable use of wetlands, particularly tidal areas, in the region.
  6. Promoting communication, public awareness, and education on this charismatic species in the region.

Working Group Documentation:

The International Black-faced Spoonbill Census Reports

Other Working Group Documentation:

Working Group Chair

Dr. Kisup Lee
Waterbird Network Korea
101-804 SKHub, Gyeongun-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-776 South Korea
Tel: +822 734 0678
Email: [email protected]

Working Group Coordinator

Yat-tung Yu
The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society
7C, V Ga Building, 532 Castle Peak Road, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2377 4387 Fax: +852 2314 3687
E-mail: [email protected]

Bio: Yat-tung obtained his MPhil degree at University of Hong Kong in 2002 where he studied the endangered Black-faced Spoonbill in non-breeding grounds. He joined the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society in 2003 as a coordinator of the International Black-faced Spoonbill Census and Deep Bay waterbird monitoring programme, later he became the research manager in 2012. From his study of the Black-faced Spoonbill and coordinating both local and regional waterbird monitoring activities, he has amassed extensive experience on conservation activities on waterbirds and intertidal habitats. Yat-tung is also one of the authors of the “International Species Action Plan for the Black-faced Spoonbill (Platalea minor)” published in 2010.

Related Materials

Cover for BFS Brochure

Please save the Black-faced Spoonbills from recreational fishing debris (2014)

Black-faced Spoonbills are affected not only by coastal development and pollution, but also from leisure fishing debris such as fishing lines and hooks. Here are some educational materials by the Waterbird Network Korea and Our Sea of East Asia Network that call for change in our actions to protect BFS from marine debris.



Cover for BFS Brochure







Download [here].


A Tale of Black-faced Spoonbill Linking Two Cities - Incheon-Hong Kong Sister Site Agreement (Eng)

A Tale of Black-faced Spoonbill Linking Two Cities - Incheon-Hong Kong Sister Site Agreement (Kor)


Save Black-faced Spoonbills from leisure fishing debris (English)

저어새를 낚시쓰레기로부터 구해 주세요 (Korean)