TVNZ, New Zealand

Bar-tailed Godwits at rest on a roost in New Zealand © Bruce McKinlay Department of Conservation – New Zealand
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New Zealand has reached a memorandum of understanding with China, which has agreed to protect the habitat of the Godwit.
The Bar-tailed Godwit (known as Kuaka in New Zealand), was recently declared Bird of the Year in New Zealand. During their China stopover they rely on an area of about 320,000 hectares in about six areas across three provinces. With the new MoU these important areas will be set aside from development and protected.
New Zealand Conservation Minister Maggie Barry says they are very special birds and hailed the arrangement as wonderful news.
“It’s a miracle of nature – nobody can really understand how something that weighs 100g can fatten itself up, can make a journey of that kind.”