The Baer’s Pochard is a Critically Endangered species on the edge of extinction in the wild. It has undergone a decline that has accelerated rapidly in recent years, and there may now be fewer than 300 individuals surviving in the wild. The exact causes of the decline are unclear. Recent surveys in the northern part of its former breeding range have failed toturn up breeding pairs and there is little evidence of young birds fledging at known sites in China. Urgent action is needed if extinction in the wild is to be avoided.

Baer’s Pochard ©Zhang Ming
Under EAAFP, a Task Force for the Baer’s Pochard (Baer’s Pochard Task Force, BP-TF) has recently been established to oversee the implementation of the Species Action Plan that was endorsed at the 8th EAAFP Meeting of Partners in Kushiro, Japan (16-21 January 2015). The Action Plan identifies key actions required to improve the conservation status of Baer’s Pochard. A preliminary consultation with experts from all range states has identified the most important threats to the species, and determined a series of actions to help remove these threats or mitigate their effects.
The BP-TF consists of representatives of EAAFP Partners and other experts, and its purpose is to:
1) Produce, coordinate and catalyse the implementation of the International Single Species Action Plan (SSAP) for Baer’s Pochard;
2) Stimulate and support Range States in the implementation of the SSAP; and
3) Monitor and report on the implementation and the effectiveness of the SSAP.
Further information about the BP-TF and its activities can be found on the BP-TF web page.