The Higashiyoka-higata Tidal Flat (EAAF124) in Saga City, Saga Prefecture, is one of the most important habitats for shorebirds in Japan, and is designated as a Flyway Network Site in the EAAFP Flyway Site Network. Many migratory waterbirds like shorebirds come to the tidal flat, and the tidal flat is crowded with many waterbirds every year. This year, “Shorebird Fest 2021 in Higashiyoka-higata Tidal Flat” was held at Higashiyoka-higata Tidal Flat during the spring migration season. BirdLife International Tokyo, in cooperation with Saga City, Osaki City, and Shunan City, conducted a video seminar, set up an exhibition booth, and distributed a pamphlet involved in wetlands and migratory birds.
In order to conserve migratory birds, it is necessary to protect their breeding grounds, resting grounds during migration, and wintering grounds along the entire migration route (flyway). Multiple wetlands and regions need to work together on activities. In this activity, BirdLife International Tokyo collaborated with Saga City, where the Higashiyoka-higata Tidal Flat is located, Osaki City, where the Kabukuri-numa (EAAF051) and Kejo-numa (EAAF098) wetlands are located, and Shunan City, where the Yashiro wetland (EAAF033) is located. In the future, we would like to work on activities in cooperation with wetlands in other regions and overseas. This activity was supported by the Taisei Nature, Historical and Environmental Fund.
The video seminar “Stories of Migratory Birds and Wetlands” held at the event can be viewed here (only Japanese).
You can also download the pamphlet about wetlands that we distributed here.
English version and Japanese version
We summarized the objectives, outlines and results of the activity as an activity guide, and you can also download it by the below link.
English version and Japanese version
佐賀県佐賀市の東よか干潟(EAAF124)は、日本国内で有数のシギ・チドリ類の飛来地で、東アジア・オーストラリア地域フライウェイ・パートナーシップのネットワーク参加地にも登録されています。シギ・チドリ類をはじめとする多くの渡り性水鳥が飛来し、干潟はたくさんの鳥たちで毎年賑わいます。2021年4月に、東よか干潟にて「シギチ・フェス2021 in 東よか干潟」が開催されました。バードライフ・インターナショナル東京は、佐賀市・大崎市・周南市と協力して、動画セミナーの実施、イベントブースの設置、湿地に関するパンフレットの配布などの活動を行いました。