New Secretariat arrangements and call for Chair nominations: The Chairman of the East Asian-Australasian Partnership, on behalf of the Partners, accepted a generous offer by the Republic of Korea to take over the hosting of the Partnership Secretariat from the interim Secretariat in Australia
In order to effect a smooth transition of the Secretariat from Australia to the Republic of Korea a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to be developed by the Partnership Management Committee and endorsed by all Partners by about mid March 2009. This is to enable the Republic of Korea sufficient time to appoint an Executive […]
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새만금 방조제 완공 2년 ‘철새 재앙’ 왔다
ㆍ도요새 개체수 ‘4분의 1’ 급감…넙적부리 도요는 단 3마리뿐 새만금 방조제 완공 후 우리나라를 찾는 도요새가 4분의 1로 줄었다는 조사 결과가 나왔다. 새만금 사업이 ‘철새 재앙’을 부르리라는 우려가 현실화된 것이다. 환경단체 ‘새와 생명의 터’가 8일 공개한 ‘2008 새만금 도요·물떼새 모니터링 결과’에 따르면 지난 5월 새만금을 찾은 도요·물떼새 개체수는 3만9557마리로 2006년 같은 기간의 17만6955마리의 22.3%에 그쳤다. 새만금을 찾는 붉은어깨도요는 8만6288마리에서 5.6%인 4847마리로 줄었고, 국제 멸종위기종인 […]
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New EAAF Partnership Secretariat
In early May, the Partnership Chair (Australian Government) accepted the offer by Wetlands International – Oceania to host the Secretariat for the Flyway Partnership until the 3rd meeting of Partners. Wetlands International – Oceania has contracted Ms Maki Koyama to be the Secretariat working under the guidance of the Partnership Chair. Ms. Koyama has been […]
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Partnership Website
Avifauna Research & Services in Australia (ARS) were awarded the contract to design and establish a website for the EAAF Partnership. ARS will also maintain the website in association with the Secretariat until the end of 2008. Part of the website is a news page ‘What’s new’ interesting news associated with the Partnership activities are […]
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