Watch the award-winning movie
to help conserve wetlands! EAAFP Foundation is pleased to invite you to the special screening of <Sura: A love Song > at CGV Incheon Yeonsu on 15 April at 10:30 am. <Sura> is a documentary about the Sura Tidal Flat, which is the last remaining tidal flat in the Saemangeum reclamation area in Ro Korea. Over the period of […]
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2021 International Symposium for the Hwaseong Wetlands (26 Nov); 2021 화성습지 국제심포지엄
2021 International Symposium for the Hwaseong Wetlands “All Connected Through the Hwaseong Wetlands: One World, One Future” 26st November, 2021 Friday 10:00-16:00 2021 화성습지 국제심포지엄 : 11월 26일(금) 10:00 ~ 16:00 For conservation of the Hwaseong Wetlands Flyway Network Site, the EAAFP Secretariat will be co-organizing the 2021 International Symposium for Hwaseong Wetlands together with Hwaseong […]
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1st EAAFP briefing for the development of guidelines for National/Site Partnership and Sister Site Programme
Starting with the speech of Mr. Robert Kaler, the Chair of EAAFP, the first webinar for Briefing on Development of Guideline/Recommendation for Site and National Partnership and Sister Site Programme was held on 2 July, 2021. Following the Decision 8 and Decision 9 at EAAFP MOP10, the Secretariat has been working with Ms. Jennifer George, […]
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West/Yellow Sea Webinar – “Development of a Joint Inventory of the Status of Migratory Birds in the West/Yellow Sea”
The EAAFP Secretariat, together with IUCN, Ramsar Regional Center – East Asia are hosting a webinar on the “Development of a Joint Inventory of the Status of Migratory Birds in the West/Yellow Sea” on 27 May at 2:30pm – 6pm (KST) to share views on the key species, population trends and habitats in the East […]
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National Monitoring of Black-faced Spoonbills and study on their habitats in the Republic of Korea, 2020
Study about breeding status, population, national distribution, and habitat use by satellite tracking were conducted for the first time, for the conservation of endangered Black-faced Spoonbills in the Republic of Korea. Max. 3,327 birds were observed by the simultaneous monitoring on September, 2020 from 20 main sites including 7 sites of Incheon in Korea. The […]
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The Critical Non-breeding Habitat of Nordmann’s Greenshank at Pantai Cemara, Jambi
Pantai Cemara, located in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia, is known as one of the most important wetland for migratory waterbirds, including the globally Endangered Nordmann’s Greenshank Tringa guttifer, Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris, Far Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis, Vulnerable Chinese Egret Egretta eulophotes and the Near threatened Asian Dowitcher Limnodromus semipalmatus. There were records in Pantai […]
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