EAAFP 사무국, ‘서천∙군산 금강철새여행’에 참여하다
Read in English EAAFP 인턴 유은진 2015년 11월 6일부터 8일, 3일간 개최된 ‘2015 서천∙군산 금강철새여행’에 EAAFP 사무국이 참여했다. 본 사무국이 참여한 행사는 금강하구에 있는 서천군 조류생태전시관에서 진행되었다. 서천 군수와 군산 시장 등의 정부인사들이 함께한 개막식에서 EAAFP의 장종옥 부국장은 겨울 철새를 맞이하고, 철새와 그 서식지의 중요성을 되새기는 이 행사의 개막을 축하하는 말을 남겼다. 이어 “금강 하구에서 […]
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New Agreement for the Conservation of the Republic of Korea’s Top Coastal Wetland
Read in Korean By Mike Crosby, BirdLife International BirdLife International and the Government of Seocheon County have signed a new Memorandum of Understanding on the conservation of the Geum Estuary [EAAF100] in the Republic of Korea. The MoU was signed by Mr Pakrae Noh, the Mayor of Seocheon County, and Patricia Zurita, BirdLife’s Chief Executive […]
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Seeking Articles and Reports on the Effects of Building Structures on Waterbirds
Satoshi Maekawa, WWF Japan Please send us information and case studies about the effects of disturbance (such as change in the behavior, distribution or flying routes of birds) caused by construction of structures. Worldwide, there are several ongoing constructions in important waterbird habitats. We would like to gather such case studies from the scientific literature […]
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