• クロツラヘラサギ の繁殖地と越冬地の国際交流が開催されました

    Read in English 日本クロツラヘラサギネットワーク代表 高野茂樹 日本クロツラヘラサギネットワークは、鹿島市と共催で、11月8日に、クロツラヘラサギイベントを開催しました。クロツラヘラサギの繁殖地の韓国と、越冬地の鹿島の、渡り鳥の国際交流です。 午前のパートは、鹿島市長と、韓国で保護や啓発活動をしている3人が講演しました。 午後のパートは、新しいラムサールサイトになった「肥前鹿島干潟」で、弁当を食べて、クロツラヘラサギやツルを観察しました。 最後のパートは、参加者全員で韓国の人々へ「一緒にクロツラヘラサギを守りましょう」という手紙を書きました。そして、韓国から運ばれて来た大きなバナーへ越冬地からのメッセージを書き込みました。 私たちは韓国の人々と協力してクロツラヘラサギを守ることを約束しました。 とても有意義な、クロツラヘラサギを通じた国際交流の一日になりました。

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  • Welcome to Kashima – BFS, Asian friends

    Read in Japanese Dr. Shigeki Takano, Japan Black-faced Spoonbill Network Japan Black-faced Spoonbill Network has held a Black-faced Spoonbill (BFS) event on 8th November 2015 with Kashima City government in Saga, Japan. The event was an international exchange workshop about the migratory waterbird BFS between Korea; breeding sites and Kashima; wintering sites. In the first […]

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  • 대한민국의 가장 중요한 연안습지 보전하고자 서천군, 버드라이프 인터내셔널과 MOU 체결하다

    다른 언어로 읽기: 마이크 크로스비(Mike Crosby), 버드라이프 인터내셔널 버드라이프 인터내셔널(BirdLife International)과 충남 서천군이 대한민국의 금강하구 [EAAF100] 보전에 위한 새로운 MOU를 체결했다. MOU는 2015년 11월 9일, 영국 캠브릿지의 버드라이프 본부에서 노박래 서천군수와 패트리샤 주리타(Patricia Zurita) 버드라이프 인터내셔널 대표에 의해 체결되었다. 이 MOU를 통해 버드라이프와 서천군은 금강하구의 생물다양성 보호를 위한 협력을 약속했다. 서천군청은 그동안 친환경적인 지속 가능한 […]

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  • The First Ever Banded Chinese Crested Tern Chick has Fledged

    By Chung-Hang Hung ([email protected]), Le-Ning Chang and Hsiao-Wei Yuan School of Forestry and Resource Conservation, National Taiwan University It was not until June 2000 that the first Chinese Crested Tern (Thalasseus bernsteini) breeding colony was discovered in Matzu archipelago by Liang Chieh-teh. Since then, the colonies at Matzu, Jiushan and Wuzishan archipelago were confirmed as […]

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  • EAAFP Participates in the Geum River Migratory Bird Festival

    Read in Korean Eunjin Yu, EAAFP intern From November 6th to 8th 2015, members of EAAFP Secretariat participated in the Geum River Migratory Bird Festival in Seocheon, Republic of Korea. The festival took place in the Bird Village, near the Geum River Estuary. Many government officials including the mayors of Seocheon and Gunsan city and Deputy Director joined the […]

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  • EAAFP 사무국, ‘서천∙군산 금강철새여행’에 참여하다

    Read in English EAAFP 인턴 유은진 2015년 11월 6일부터 8일, 3일간 개최된 ‘2015 서천∙군산 금강철새여행’에 EAAFP 사무국이 참여했다. 본 사무국이 참여한 행사는 금강하구에 있는 서천군 조류생태전시관에서 진행되었다. 서천 군수와 군산 시장 등의 정부인사들이 함께한 개막식에서 EAAFP의 장종옥 부국장은 겨울 철새를 맞이하고, 철새와 그 서식지의 중요성을 되새기는 이 행사의 개막을 축하하는 말을 남겼다. 이어 “금강 하구에서 […]

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  • New Agreement for the Conservation of the Republic of Korea’s Top Coastal Wetland

    Read in Korean By Mike Crosby, BirdLife International BirdLife International and the Government of Seocheon County have signed a new Memorandum of Understanding on the conservation of the Geum Estuary [EAAF100] in the Republic of Korea. The MoU was signed by Mr Pakrae Noh, the Mayor of Seocheon County, and Patricia Zurita, BirdLife’s Chief Executive […]

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  • Seeking Articles and Reports on the Effects of Building Structures on Waterbirds

    Satoshi Maekawa, WWF Japan Please send us information and case studies about the effects of disturbance (such as change in the behavior, distribution or flying routes of birds) caused by construction of structures. Worldwide, there are several ongoing constructions in important waterbird habitats. We would like to gather such case studies from the scientific literature […]

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