Decade-long Citizen Science project counts China’s waterbirds
By Edward Parnell of BirdLife International Since 2005, more than 150 volunteers have taken part in the China Coastal Waterbird Census, which, in November 2015, published its third report on the state of the country’s coastal waterbirds The coastal wetlands of China constitute some of the most important migratory, passage and wintering sites along the […]
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Workshop on bird watching and eco-tourism
Tomoko Ichikawa, Communication Officer On 16 December 2015, a workshop on bird watching and eco-tourism was organized by Seosan City and Ecotourism Korea at the Seosan BirdLand, Seosan City, Republic of Korea. Forty practitioners from 17 ecotourism promotion sites in the RoK, eco-tour companies, wetland education center staffs, conservationists and local people attended the workshop. […]
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Wildlife Conservation Plan for Migratory Shorebirds
By Mark Carey, Department of the Environment Australian Government On 21 December 2015, the Minister for the Environment the Hon Greg Hunt, approved the new Wildlife Conservation Plan for Migratory Shorebirds. On 14 January 2016, the Plan was lodged on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments and came into force the following day. Under section […]
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Read in English 由EAAFP秘书处收集整理 作为灭绝风险最高的鸟类之一,黑脸琵鹭已在1989年被国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)收录至濒危物种红皮书——《亚洲鸟类红皮书》名录中。上世纪90年代,当人类开始关注它们的时候,它们已经只剩下几百只了。1998年,在大连庄河石城乡形人坨(岛)首次发现黑脸琵鹭繁殖地,随后,庄河市王家镇元宝岛被发现是黑脸琵鹭繁殖地。然而,国内外人士从四面八方慕名而来观赏和旅游,近距离影响黑脸琵鹭繁殖栖息;部分游客及公众对黑脸琵鹭的认识和了解不够,保护意识不高。为解决上述问题,在联合国开发计划署(UNDP)、全球环境基金小额赠款计划(GEF-SGP)的支持下,由大连市环保志愿者协会实施的“大连庄河黑脸琵鹭繁殖栖息地及鸟类保护”项目旨在通过采取物理隔离、控制上岛人数,规范观鸟行为和宣传教育等活动,加强对黑脸琵鹭繁殖栖息地的保护。项目于2013年10月至2015年8月期间开展实施。 项目地点:大连市庄河市王家镇元宝岛位于黄海北部。这里是我国唯一被确认的黑脸琵鹭的繁殖栖息地。黑脸琵鹭是我国仅次于朱鹮的第二种最濒危的鸟类,1989年国际自然资源物种保护联盟(IUCN)和国际鸟类保护委员会(ICBP)都将其列入濒危物种红皮书中。中国濒危动物红皮书等级:濒危,生效年代:1996年。该项目意在唤醒公众意识,保护岛上的黑脸琵鹭和其他鸟类。 存在的问题: 1. 旅游观鸟行为严重干扰了黑脸琵鹭的栖息环境,特别是在繁育季节; 2. 由于岛屿小,黑脸琵鹭栖息地周围的陆地和植被有限; 3. 每年都有包括黑脸琵鹭在内的本地或迁徙鸟类受伤,得不到及时救助就会造成死亡; 4. 当地渔民、村民及游客对黑脸琵鹭不够了解,需要进行宣传和教育。 解决方案/计划的活动: 1. 项目组和社区参与人员进行现场研讨和培训; 2. 在非繁殖期间控制上岛人数及规范观鸟游客和上岛人的行为; 3. 在元宝岛海面上增加建立限制船只载人接近牛心坨的漂浮隔离带1000米; 4. 建立一个救助康复站,对受伤的黑脸琵鹭等鸟类及时实施救助; 5. 对觅食区进行保护和宣传教育,提高周围渔民村民及游客对黑脸琵鹭的认识和保护意识。 项目成果及直接的项目产出: 1. 0.95平方公里黑脸琵鹭栖息地得到保护; 2. 黑脸琵鹭30只左右、若干黄嘴白鹭和数量较多的黒尾鸥得到保护; 3. 受伤鸟类得到100%救助; 4. 2000人对黑脸琵鹭重要性的认识和保护方法及意识有提高。 在项目结束后,项目组发布了以《黑脸琵鹭及其在中国的繁殖地》为题的项目总结宣传册,阐述了项目要解决的问题及对策、项目实施的工作与成果和项目特色等具体信息。点击查看详情 part 1 | part 2
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Protection of Black-faced Spoonbill and its breeding habitat in China
Read in Chinese Summerized by EAAFP Secretariat Protection of Black-faced Spoonbill (BFS) and its breeding habitat in China, a BFS conservation programme in Zhuanghe, Liaoning, supported by UNDP and GEF-SGP, was carried out by the Dalian Environmental Protection Volunteers Association from October 2013 to August 2015. The project aims to raise public awareness to protect […]
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Hard work not over yet for seabird protection in the Pacific
By Shaun Hurrell of BirdLife International and courtesy of Forest & Bird Breakthrough for saving seabirds from longline fishing mortality in the north Pacific, but there’s a catch Along with saving seabirds on-board with fisherman as the Albatross Task Force, BirdLife’s Marine Programme also gives seabirds a voice in the international policy arena. Accidental capture […]
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International Conference on the Waterfowl of Northern Eurasia
Katsumi USHIYAMA, Coordinator of EAAFP Anatidae Working Group A joint conference of the 5th Conference of the Goose, Swan and Duck Study Group of Northern Eurasia and the 17th Conference of the Goose Specialist Group of IUCN-Species Survival Commission and Wetlands International was held at Salekhard, Yamalo-Nenetskiy Autonomous Okrug, Russia from 30 November to 6 December […]
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Ecosystem Services and Migratory Waterbird Conservation – December 2015 Newsletter
Nobody doubts that coastal and wetland ecosystems that support migratory waterbirds in our Flyway provide a host of valuable ecosystem services. Indeed, supporting migratory waterbirds itself is an ecosystem service, a benefit that is appreciated by many people. These people are often prepared to invest significant time and resources to be able to experience these […]
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2015-2016 Gulf of Alaska Seabird Mortality Events
Seabird mortality events (mostly Common Murres) have been reported since spring 2015 throughout the northern Gulf of Alaska. Below are updates from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Migratory Bird Management. 6 December 2015 update by Robb Kaler, Kathy Kuletz and Liz Labunski, FWS Migratory Bird Management Since spring (31 March 2015), seabird mortality events […]
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Asian Waterbird Census 2016 Notice
IWC 50 Team, Wetlands International The Asian Waterbird Census (AWC) started back in 1987 and forms part of the global International Waterbird Census that marks its 50th count in 2016. Over the last half century, the IWC has evolved into the largest coordinated biodiversity monitoring programme on Earth expanding from a small number of Western […]
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