Australian Pelicans stop over in Serangan, Bali, Indonesia

Read in Indonesian

Translated by Rossa Risdiana, EAAFP intern

Denny Hatief, coordinator of the “World Migratory Bird Day 2015” was observing migratory waterbirds on Serangan Island, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, on 10 May 2015. He was with his friends from the Veterinary and Biology Faculty of Udayana University. The students started the observation on 8 May 2015 using binoculars, bird identification books and cameras. They will submit the results of the survey to Bogor to be analyzed.

According to Denny, the ecological condition of Serangan Island is relatively good. “Because of the good condition of the habitat, many waterbirds stop over on this island. They are looking for food before continuing their journey to another continent,” he explained.

Denny added that several bird species that are not common in Indonesia can be found on Serangan Island, including the two Australian Pelicans that were observed last year.

According to Yuyum Yanuar, a wildlife observer, Serangan Island is located in the flyway of migratory waterbirds. “The major waterbird species in Serangan Island are shorebirds,” he said.

He continued that, three factors, the availability of food, ecology, and the lack of disturbance determine how long migratory waterbirds will stay here. If any of three factors is not available, birds will not stay for long.

There are several other stop-over sites in Indonesia, such as Gunung Sega in Karang Asem, Taman Nasional Bali Barat, Bedugul, Tamblingan, Tukad Unda and Pelabuhan Benoa.

Original Indonesian article:

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