Not just funding but also capacity-building opportunities! Asian Waterbird Conservation Fund (AWCF) is now receiving new applications!

The AWCF was established by WWF-Hong Kong in July 2005 to provide financial support for projects at sites of importance for migratory waterbirds (including seabirds) in Asia of the East Asian – Australasian Flyway (EAAF). In late 2019, the AWCF was reformed and two new grants, the WWF Dr. Lew Young Grant and the Asian Flyways Initiative Grant (AFI Grant), were set up to extend the support from the EAAF to the Central Asian Flyway.

In 2023, with the generous support from a donor, successful applicants will receive opportunities to attend wetland management training courses in Mai Po Nature Reserve Hong Kong and on-site technical support from WWF-Hong Kong on top of the USD5,000-10,000 1-year project funding.

From the experience, most of the project teams receiving the AWCF needed to work with different stakeholders such as government officials of related bureaus or departments and local village representatives. In order to help improve the stakeholders’ knowledge on wetlands and migratory waterbirds, the project teams can bring along the key stakeholders to attend the training courses in Mai Po. During the stay in Hong Kong, the teams can also develop a better relationship with them.

In case the project teams need support in organizing activities at the project sites such as bird surveys or birdwatching festivals, WWF-Hong Kong experts can also provide on-site support.

The deadline for the 2023 application is 31 January 2023. For details, please check:

or contact the AWCF Secretariat by e-mail [email protected].


The wetland management training course organized in Mai Po Nature Reserve, Hong Kong, includes both indoor sharing and outdoor experiencing sessions.

Article prepared by Fion Cheung from AWCF Secretariat

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