© James Ianni
The Alaska Shorebird Group produces annual summary to document new and ongoing field studies of shorebirds in Alaska. This year marked the beginning of the novel Coronavirus pandemic; therefore, many field projects were either cancelled or postponed, and the annual summary reflects this. The 2020 annual summary includes information for 8 studies and 20 publications from ASG members. These research and monitoring projects were able to go ahead and the annual project summaries page at alaskashorebirdgroup.com has been updated with the 2020 report: http://alaskashorebirdgroup.com/annual-project-summaries/. There were 8 projects and activities reported in the 2020 publication, with a list of publications.
The Alaska Shorebird Group continues to be a highly collaborative organization with a large membership of productive principal investigators, early-professionals, and students both within and outside of Alaska. This annual compilation is the only complete written record of the shorebird projects occurring in Alaska and provides a valuable timeline of shorebird activities for this region.
Download the 2020 annual summary [here]. (link: http://alaskashorebirdgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/2020_ASG_annual_summary-1.pdf)
Prepared by Rebecca McGuire, Avian Ecologist, Arctic Beringia Program, Wildlife Conservation Society.