4500 Cranes arrived in the Republic of Korea

Dr. Kisup Lee, Waterbird Network Korea

Yesterday (25 October 2015) was an exciting day. Many bird watchers sent me the messages about cranes. More than 4,000 Hooded Cranes have arrived in the Republic of Korea.

Seosan-HCranes-KSH07 ©Shin-Hwan Kim

Hooded Cranes in Seosan ©Shin-Hwan Kim


Migration of Hooded Cranes on 25 October 2015 ©Kisup Lee

Most of them are now staying at Cheonsu Bay, Seosan. But some of them also have arrived at Suncheon and Gumi. During the daytime (11:30-17:00), more than 550 Hooded Cranes have passed through Ganghwa to the south. They were divided in about 9-11 flocks. In the case of Cheonsu Bay, 30 cranes were first seen at around 11:30. After then, coming again, coming again… and up to about 4,000 birds arrived by the evening. The wind became calm in the afternoon, and the direction have changed to the south.

Seosan-HCranes-KSH01 ©Shin-Hwan Kim

Hooded Cranes in Seosan ©Shin-Hwan Kim

This morning (26 October 2015), 474 Hooded Cranes were counted in Suncheon. It means, more than 4,500 Hooded Cranes have arrived yesterday. Today, the weather will be cloudy and rainy at night. The wind direction is south-east, or south. So, the migration will be loose.

Seosan-HCranes-KSH08 ©Shin-Hwan Kim

Hooded Cranes in Seosan ©Shin-Hwan Kim

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