• Farewell to Doug Watkins, Chief Executive of EAAFP Secretariat

    Mr. Doug Watkins at the EAAFP Secretariat © EAAFP Secretariat Today is the last working of Mr. Doug Watkins, Chief Executive of EAAFP Secretariat. Below is a farewell message from Doug. “It’s just over 3 years that I have had the pleasure of working with the Secretariat team to support the EAAF Partners with the implementation of the EAAFP Strategic Plan. With the successful convening of MOP11, delayed because of Covid, it’s now time for a new Chief Executive to step up. The Secretariat has an excellent team with Hyeseon Do as Senior Programme Officer, Vivian Fu, Senior Communications Officer; Hyojung Yoo the Finance Officer (seconded from Incheon Metropolitan), Yoon Kyung Lee as External Relations Manager (currently on maternity leave) and Yeonhee Ahn as Deputy (also seconded from Incheon Metropolitan). The Secretariat also has several additional staff (Yeonah Ku, Jisun Lee) on contract and several interns that work in the various teams. Covid had a significant impact on how the Secretariat worked for the Partners. It limited international travel and in response the Secretariat greatly increase its use of the internet to convene online meetings. The Flyway Site Network of internationally important sites for migratory waterbirds forms core of the work of the EAAFP. The Site Network has now grown to 152 sites in 19 countries of the Flyway. However, there are hundreds of additional internationally important wetlands for migratory waterbirds in the EAAFP. I encourage Partners to identify additional wetland sites to be nominated for the Flyway Site Network. The Secretariat has taken an active role in providing input to the development by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) called “Regional Flyway Initiative”. This initiative will enable the EAAFP Government Partners (in eligible countries) to implement actions for the conservation on internationally important wetlands for migratory waterbirds. These activities will not only address the ecology of the sites, but also address the interactions of local communities that depend on these wetlands.”   Mr. Robb Kaler, Immediate past Chair of EAAFP delivered his tribute to Doug for his leadership to the EAAFP.   “Doug has over 30 years of international experience in working on migratory waterbirds and wetland conservation in our flyway and his extensive knowledge and enormous list of contacts across the Flyway have made him a key player. Doug was one of the original team working with the Australian Government towards the development of the EAAFP concept as a Type II initiative during the World Summit of Sustainable Development in 2002, which later officially established the EAAFP in 2006. Doug’s involvement in the Flyway began while working for the Australasian Wader Study Group (AWSG) from 1993 to 1995. Doug then moved on wearing the hat of Wetlands International between 1995 and 2013. Following his role with Wetlands International, Doug worked with Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) secretariat as EAAF Coordinator for its Arctic Migratory Bird Initiative (AMBI) between 2018 and 2019. Doug’s involvement in the Partnership ranges from Chair of EAAFP Monitoring Task Force, past Chair of Yellow Sea Task Force to being a member of the Management Committee and he was instrumental in the drafting the EAAFP Strategic Plans including the latest Strategic Plan 2019-2028. Doug’s strong experience and management of a diverse group of partners has been crucial to the implementation of the EAAFP’s 10-year strategic plan. Doug worked hard to align and promote activities in the Flyway to address points laid out in the plan. The 32-page Secretariat report is a testimony to the outstanding work that Doug and the Secretariat staff, including the Science Unit. Thanks to Doug leading the EAAFP Secretariat and the Partnership since 2019, we have a bright future. Please join me in thanking Doug for his amazing contributions to the Flyway Partnership, both as the Chief Executive, as well as all of his work prior to joining the Secretariat. I am hoping that like many others that have left leadership roles in the Flyway, that have a tendency to continue to show up at these MOPs where they continue to provide invaluable contributions. I look forward to our paths crossing in the future.” The Secretariat is working on the process of new CE recruitment. The staff at the Secretariat will maintain the work for the EAAFP with support from Management Committee.

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  • Summary of interim results of Shorebird Hunting Impact Assessment Project: northern part of EAAF in North-East of Russia (2019-2021)

    EAAFP Small Grant Fund project by Konstantin B. Klokov, Saint-Petersburg State University & Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) RAS; Aleksandr I.Matsyna, Working Group on Shorebirds of Northern Eurasia   The first approach to assessment of hunting pressure on shorebirds in selected areas of the Kamchatka Peninsula, with special focus on the Far-Eastern Curlew. Moscow – Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 2019. By Konstantin B. Klokov, Yuri N. Gerasimov, Kamchatka Branch of Pacific Institute of Geography FED RAS/BirdsRussia Kamchatka Branch, Evgeny Syroechkovskiy Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russian Federation/Birds Russia, Russia, with contribution from: Sergey Kharitonov, Russian Bird Ringing Centre IPEE RAN Rus Acad Sci., Anton Ivanov, Working Group on Shorebirds on Northern Eurasia, Dmitriy Dorofeev, All-Russian Research Institute for Nature Conservation. The assessment of hunting pressure on shorebirds in Sakhalin Island, with special focus on the Far-Eastern Moscow - Nizhniy Novgorod – Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 2020. By Aleksandr I.Matsyna, Working Group on Shorebirds of Northern Eurasia, Matsyna Ekaterina L., Working Group on Shorebirds of Northern Eurasia, Konstantin B. Klokov, Evgeny E. Syroechkovskiy, with contribution from: Sergey Kharitonov, Zoia V.Reviakina, Working Group on Shorebirds of Northern Eurasia, Vladimir B. Zykov, Working Group on Shorebirds of Northern Eurasia. Evaluation of hunting pressure of shorebirds in the Russian Far East with special attention to Numenius (Curlews, Whimbrels) and other threatened species - Stage III: surveys in Khabarovskiy Krai and Amur oblast’. Moscow - Nizhniy Novgorod - Khabarovsk – Blagoveshchensk, 2021. By Aleksandr Matsyna, Vladimir Pronkevich, Institute of Water and Ecology Problems, Ekaterina L. Matsyna, Anton A. Sasin, Blagoveshchensk, Konstantin Klokov, Evgeny E. Syroechkovskiy, with contribution from Sergey Kharitonov.   INTRODUCTION Conservation of Arctic migratory bird is based on holistic approach, which treated together all species' habitats within its annual life cycle. Arctic-breeding migratory birds are a significant component of both Arctic culture and ecosystem health. Many of them require special attention of researchers as they are among the rare and endangered species or the game resources. The protection of Arctic migratory birds, as well as the issues of sustainable use of their resources (concerning game species) are complicated because Arctic-breeding birds use different flyways to move from Arctic breeding grounds to overwintering or stopover sites at lower latitudes. Migration routes from breeding areas in the eastern part of Russian Arctic to overwintering and stopover sites follow mainly the western coast of the Pacific Ocean and cross 22 Asian countries. The sum of these routes is defined as the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF). The EAAF is the most species-rich of the world’s nine major flyways. In addition, the EAAF has the highest proportion of declining at an unprecedented rate waterbird populations, especially shorebirds. Of the 63 populations of 52 migratory species of shorebirds migrating this way, 20 populations of 17 species may become extinct or approach extinction in the near future if no measures are taken [1, 2, 3]. Over the past 30 years, this problem has attracted the attention of many ornithologists and conservationists. The main reason for the decline in EAAF shorebirds populations is the reduction of the main habitats: coastal and inland wetlands [4, 5]. Hunting is also perceived as a medium-or high-level threat, but it is difficult to assess its scale due to poor knowledge of the issue [6, 7]. The Arctic Migratory Bird Initiative (AMBI) was started by CAFF in 2015, and aims to improve the conservation status and secure the long-term sustainability of declining of Arctic-breeding migratory birds through flyway-level cooperation with Arctic and non-Arctic countries and partners. AMBI is working across four major flyways to engage global partners on the issue of bird and habitat conservation, including the mitigation of harmful anthropogenic actions and hunting. AMBI Work Plan objective 3 states to prevent illegal hunting and regulate unsustainable legal harvest of Arctic migratory birds along the EAAF, with a focus on Spoon-billed Sandpiper (SBS), Lesser White-fronted Goose, Bar-tailed Godwit, and other priority species. Action 3.1 initiates surveys of hunting pressure on Arctic-breeding shorebirds in stopover areas in the North-East of Russia, including Chukotka, Kamchatka, Sakhalin and mainland coasts of Sea of Okhotsk [8]. Implementation of these activities was started in 2019 by BirdsRussia in cooperation with Working Group on Waders on Northern Eurasia. It is the first project focused on the assessment of hunting pressure on Arctic shorebirds in Russia. The main aim is to reveal the territories of the largest hunting bag of shorebirds and specify the dates (season) of hunting there first of all for priority East Asia-Australasia Flyway Partnership species of shorebirds (waders): Curlew Sandpiper, Red Knot (Calidris canutus), Great Knot (Calidris tenuirostris), Far Eastern Curlew (Numenius madagascariensis), Black-tailed Godwit and Spoon-billed Sandpiper (Eurynorhynchus pygmeus). Special attention is paid to Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus), which is the most popular shorebird target species for legal hunting in the Russian Far East as well as to the most important endangered species: Far Eastern Curlew, Godwit, SBS, etc 1.PROJECT GOAL AND OBJECTIVES The main goal of the project is to assess shorebird hunting pressure in the northern part of the EAAF in the north-east of Russia. The project is focused on shorebird species prioritised by the EAAFP. Special attention was focused on Far Eastern Curlew, Whimbrel and SBS. Whimbrel is a popular species for legal hunting in the Far East of Russia and hunting has a significant impact on the number of this species. Far Eastern Curlew is included in the list of globally threatened species (IUCN Red List) and is critically endangered in Australia. In Russia it is a protected species, included in the Red Data book. Nevertheless, hunters quite frequently harvest Far Eastern Curlew together with Whimbrel due to misidentification and often do it on purpose as for many hunters it is the most wanted game among all the shorebird species because of its large size. Both species are understudied and when the opportunity presents itself we fill the knowledge gaps about them, their conservation and use. SBS is a critically endangered species, one of the rarest shorebirds in Russia and in the world. An important goal of the project is to identify modern and historic population trends of different species and ecological groups of shorebirds under hunting pressure (both legal and illegal bird harvest) as well as other factors. Thus, the following objectives had to be attained: Identify main shorebird staging sites during migration where they are subject to intensive hunting Compare the timing of hunting seasons with the timing of migration and stop- overs of different shorebird species, identify the most vulnerable Estimate the number of shorebird hunters in different areas of the Russian Far East, including hunters on large-sized, medium-sized and small-sized Inspect model settlements (villages and small towns), including interviews, anonymous questionnaires and direct observation of hunting processes within the project time- Assess the feasibility and attempt to organize online anonymous Give an estimate of an average number of shorebirds harvested by one hunter in different regions of the Russian Far Calculate an estimate of shorebird harvest in different regions of the Russian Far using expert assessment and, where possible, extrapolation, in particular to give an approximate estimate for large and small-sized shorebird harvest and for the most important species, if A separate task is to develop and refine the research methods of assessing the hunting pressure on shorebirds in the Far This is a pioneer line of research started practically from scratch. Methods are improved every year. 2.METHODOLOGY The methodology is based on the waterfowl hunting estimation experience in the eastern part of Russian Arctic. It was developed by E.E. Syroechkovsky and K.B. Klokov and used in 1999–2006 to make an estimation of bird harvest in 22 villages of Chukotka and northern Yakutia located near the sea coast [9]. We slightly changed this method in connection to the fact that, unlike waterfowl, shorebirds are not the main object of hunting. According to our methodology the survey of each village includes two steps. First, an in-depth interview with 2–3 experts takes place to identify at a qualitative level the general picture of the way how shorebird hunting occurs at this place and how important it is for local hunters. As a result of the interview we learned about the bigger picture of shorebird hunting in the village. The second step was the survey using anonymous questionnaires, which were filled by hunters themselves. The questionnaire was made as short as possible because each extra question increases the possibility that the hunter would think the questionnaire is too complicated and would not want to waste time completing it. The main part of hunters does not distinguish species of shorebirds. Therefore, in anonymous questionnaires, we mostly do not use names of shorebird species, but ask hunters to divide the harvested shorebirds into the following groups: Whimbrel, which is very popular and well known to Russian Far East hunters, other big-sized shorebirds except Whimbrel, medium-sized shorebirds, small-sized In addition, we asked to list the species of harvested shorebirds, if the hunter knows them, but only a few of respondents did this. Sampling. Since it was not possible to create a random sample, we used two methods: Asked hunters to fill out a questionnaire at the time when they visited the office of the hunting society in order to return a seasonal hunting permit. This method was mainly used the help of employees of the hunting societies. However, it was not possible to use it in all The Snowball Method, when each hunter, filling out a questionnaire, gave the contact details of one or more other hunters. This method gives good results in small Apart from the survey of hunters in settlements, we conducted a direct observation of the hunting process with visual inspection of the hunters' harvest at the model plots. This allowed to identify species and species ratio of shorebirds and other birds harvested there. The advantage of the direct observations of hunters at the model plots was the possibility to observe the hunting process, conduct a significantly higher number of informal interviews with hunters and visually inspect their harvest, which allowed to identify species of harvested shorebirds, which hunters themselves did not know. 3.SURVEYED REGIONS Survey on the impact of various aspects of hunting on the population and numbers of shorebirds in the Russian Far East has been carried out for three years. During this period four regions have been surveyed (fig. 1). Figure 1: Regions of the Russian Far East surveyed in 2019-2021 as part of the Shorebird Hunting Impact Assessment Project: 4 - Amur Oblast, 5 - Khabarovsk Krai, 7 - Sakhalin Oblast, 10 - Kamchatka Krai Regions proposed for survey in the nearest years: 8 - Magadan Oblast, 6 - Primorskiy Krai, 1 - Republic of Buryatia and 2 - Zabaykalskiy Krai; Regions for prospective studies: 3 - Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 9 - Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. Kamchatka. Here, in 2019, the methodology of material collection was tested and perfected. It was based on anonymous questionnaires. The questionnaires were distributed through the hunting organization service. A total of 400 questionnaires were collected. For the first time, the number of harvested shorebirds of two size groups, large/medium and small species, was estimated for this region (Table 1). Table 1. Estimation of number of harvested shorebirds in Kamchatka in 2019   Sakhalin Oblast, survey 2020. Sakhalin Island is one of the most populated and developed regions of the Russian Far East and a very important migration area for many shorebird species. There are many hunters here and many places with high concentrations of shorebirds. On Sakhalin we have conducted many interviews and informal discussions with hunters. This allowed us to determine the level of harvesting of different shorebird species more accurately (Table 2). Total amount of shorebird harvested on Sakhalin was even higher than on Kamchatka! Particularly alarming was an unexpectedly high level of harvesting of Far Eastern Curlew. While in Kamchatka hunters shot it mainly due to ignorance and confusion with Whimbrel, on Sakhalin this species is a prestigious trophy for many hunters. Table 2. Expert assessment of yearly harvest of shorebirds in the Sakhalin oblast based on the survey results * - number of harvested birds varies depending on the Whimbrel population number fluctuation from year to year ** - harvest is underestimated as survey data does not fully reflect the shorebird harvest in several districts of Sakhalin island Khabarovsk Krai, survey 2021. Hunting here has a large impact on shorebirds in the areas adjacent to the Sea of Okhotsk. Species such as Great Knot, Red Knot, Bar-tailed Godwit, and others are regularly and in considerable numbers shot there. We also recorded incidental harvesting of the SBS in Okhotsk. Hunters do not distinguish between species of shorebirds and usually shoot in flocks. The Far Eastern Curlew is less harvested here than on Sakhalin. Hunters shot it mainly in central part of Khabarovsk Krai and in the valley of Amur River (Table 3). Table 3. Estimation of number of yearly harvested shorebirds in Khabarovsk Krai Amur Oblast, survey 2021. Shorebird hunting is less developed here, as there are no large migratory concentrations of shorebirds. Nevertheless, the Far Eastern Curlew is threatened here as well. This species is most often hunted either in spring, during duck hunting, either by poachers. Table 4. Estimation of number of yearly harvested shorebirds in Amur Oblast Our project enabled us to obtain, for the first time, information on the scale of shorebird hunting in the Russian Far East. This is their great value. For a number of areas, such as the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk in Khabarovsk Krai and the coast of Western Sakhalin, additional research is needed as our level of knowledge about these areas remains insufficient. We envisage, if circumstances permit, to continue surveys in the remaining regions of the Far East: the Magadan Oblast (survey has been planned for autumn 2022), Primorskiy Krai and also Yakutia. 1.SPECIES AND GROUP OF SPECIES Let us consider briefly the results of the project in Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Khabarovsk Territory and Amur Oblast for selected shorebird species and groups of species. Far Eastern Curlew As the interviews show, hunters while hunting the Whimbrel often do shoot large shorebirds, including Far Eastern Curlews, Bar-tailed and Black-tailed Godwits. Some hunters do not know the right name of the species, though many of them are aware of them. Here we should distinguish between “proper poaching”, when hunters do it on purpose – they shoot all large shorebirds that have come close to them (the case common for some districts in Sakhalin Island), and "accidental poaching", when hunters shoot Far Eastern Curlews by mistake. The main reason for the error is the fact that young Curlews have a shorter bill than adult ones (similar to the Whimbrel’s bill), and hunters confuse these two species. The total number of harvested Far Eastern Curlew in all surveyed regions of the Far East, according to our estimates, may amount to more than 2 000 birds per year (table 5). In Kamchatka and partly on Sakhalin, hunters shoot it mostly occasionally when hunting Whimbrel during their southward migration. In Khabarovsk Krai and Amur Oblast, it is harvested mainly in spring, in breeding grounds (fig. 2). Table 5. Estimation of number of yearly harvested Far Eastern Curlew (Numenius madagascariensis) in different region of Russian Far East Figure 2. Areas of the highest probability of shooting on Far Eastern Curlew during the breeding and migration periods (highlighted by shading) Whimbrel As our calculations showed, the total number of Whimbrels shot in Kamchatka is about 37,000 per year. This is a very large number compared to published estimates [1, 2], where the total EAAF population of the Whimbrel is supposed to be about 55,000 birds. Considering that Whimbrels besides Kamchatka are also harvested in other regions, our results suggest that the flyway population estimate of 55,000 birds for Whimbrel is significantly lower than in reality. Published observations of Whimbrel concentrations in the several staging places [10, 11, 12, 13] and our long-term observations [14, 15] in Kamchatka also confirm this. We believe that hunters of Kamchatka and Sakhakin are making the greatest impact on the Whimbrel population on the flyway. In addition, our work has confirmed the disproportionate hunting pressure on the northern population of Whimbrel migrating via Sakhalin. In contrast to Kamchatka, where numbers of the species remain stable, significant fluctuations in abundance have been observed on Sakhalin. This indicates a perennial depression of the species in the region as a result of disproportionate hunting pressure. This is particularly dangerous when combined with the major transformation of these birds' natural habitats by oil and gas developments in northern Sakhalin. But need to survey all other parts of the flyway to verify these conclusions. Small and medium-sized shorebirds Small- and medium-sized shorebirds are not actually object of purposeful hunting. Many of them are not game species in Russia, which are not supposed to be shot. According to informal interviews, hunters shoot them not so often. Small and medium-sized shorebirds are mainly harvested: by children and teenagers, who do not have an official right to hunt but whose parents want to train them as hunters; in the absence of other game, in order not to return home empty-handed; by some gourmet hunters who love cooking and eating small shorebird soup considered a Reporting on the number of harvested small shorebirds in the anonymous questionnaires, hunters never identify species. As the interviews showed, hunters save cartridges and usually harvest small and medium-sized shorebirds by shooting dense flocks, often consisting of several species, often including rare ones. Such hunting results in a big number of wounded birds that die later and a significant number of killed birds that remain unrecovered. The total mortality of birds is likely 2-3 times higher than the number of birds used by hunters. So, the number of shot small shorebirds may be assessed as nearly two- fold as compared with the data from the questionnaires. Thus, in Kamchatka, according to the anonymous questionnaires in 2019, 14.3 % of hunters shot small-sized shorebirds. The average bag in all Kamchatka was 2.2 birds a year for one hunter. The total number of harvested birds calculated by extrapolation was more than 6000. More than half of the birds were harvested in western districts (Sobolevsky and Tigil’sky districts), where the average hunters bag per year is 10 small shorebirds. In the other regions it was less than 2 birds per year. In Sakhalin small shorebirds have a special place in the hunting practice. They are regularly harvested, either incidentally, as a rule when there is no other game, either intentionally. There are firmly fixed collective terms for this groups of birds – "galushki" or "pelmeni" in the local lingo. They are traditionally used for cooking shurpa, a thick broth with fowl and vegetables. As a rule, there is at least one enthusiast in each group of hunters, who can always harvest and cook this birds. During our survey different examples of easy and fruitful hunting were given: "60 birds with one cartridge", "a basin with two cartridges", "a dozen with one shot" and others. Even with the adjustment for a known tendency to exaggerate the result, this information is unfortunately proved by our observations. For example, on August 30 2020, 12 Dunlins were harvested with one shot by a hunter who was barely 10 years old. In September at the Odoptu bay (Northern Sakhalin) we observed two hunters who fired 5 shots on dense flocks of small shorebirds in 15 minutes and left, collecting a whole bag of game. Inspecting this territory half an hour later, we found 6 other shot Dunlins, among which were wounded birds hiding in the grass. Incidental harvest of small and medium-sized shorebirds as a rule is not a memorable experience for hunters and that is why many of them give a negative answer when the question about the harvest of these birds is first asked. Therefore, remotely completed questionnaires often provide underestimated data. But during a conversation, when they are asked clarifying questions, almost all the hunters remember doing it incidentally, in passing, and only cases of a massive harvest are imprinted in memory with figures of speech, such as "half a bucket in one go". In a number of cases we were informed that these birds may not be used for food but are thrown away if hunters take more desirable game. Spoon-billed Sandpiper Spoon-billed Sandpiper currently remains one of the most endangered bird species in the world. It has a narrow nesting range in the coastal tundras of the Chukotka peninsula. IUCN international conservation status of this species is "Critically Endangered". Sakhalin plays an important role for migratory stopovers of this species. SBS was registered here by many researchers during spring and autumn migration. Unfortunately, main SBS sighting sites in Sakhalin fully coincide with the sites of active shorebird hunting. To harvest shorebirds, hunters most often shoot dense flying flocks consisting of several species, in which SBSs usually move as well. Thus, they can become victim of any such shot. Clearly, taking into account low population of SBS in total, we are far from knowing all its traditional staging sites. It is a cause for concern that during autumn migration coinciding with autumn hunting season, SBS's sightings on the shores of Sakhalin are most dispersive and the birds could potentially end up in any place where they will be shot. In our 2020 research we did not have an opportunity to look further into this topic but now we know of many districts where there is hunting pressure in the known SBS staging sites. Monitoring and special research should be conducted in several districts of Sakhalin, important for the declining population of SBS. Seasonal protection should be introduced in a number of such sites so that there is no hunting there. We know about the shot of SBS in all of the study areas along the Sea of Okhotsk - Kamchatka, Sakhalin, and Khabarovsk (fig. 3). All known cases were incidental. The birds were killed in flocks of small shorebirds. This hunt is most common not only in northern Sakhalin, but also in several districts of Khabarovsk Krai, namely Nikolayevsky, Tuguro-Chumikansky, and Okhotsk districts. The probability of shooting of SBS in the northern part of western Kamchatka coast is supported by the fact that signal transmission from three of the nine birds with radio transmitters stopped sending signal from this area [10]. The only way to influence the local population in all these areas is to carry out long-term work to educate hunters, convincing them not to shoot indiscriminately at flocks of birds. Our project has been successful in doing this, but it needs to be continued on a much larger scale. Figure 3. Areas of the highest probability of shooting on SBS during seasonal migrations (highlighted by red points) 5.CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Arctic breeding migratory birds are in significant declines in several regions, and due to the flyway- level movement of migratory birds, a large flyway-level conservation approach is needed to improve their population status. Our study of Arctic-nesting shorebirds hunting is the first significant research in this direction. It allowed to get the first idea of shorebirds hunting in Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Khabarovsk and Amur areas. To obtain a complete picture along the northern end of EAAF, it is necessary to conduct similar studies in all other regions of the Russian Far East and Russian Arctic. As well, hunting assessment and monitoring in the four regions already surveyed should be continued in order to be able to monitor the hunting process and to get more detailed data. The results of our survey clearly showed that hunting of shorebirds in the North-East of Russia (most northern part of EAAF) may negatively impact Arctic shorebird populations especially threatened species. Hunting of protected shorebirds is often the reason of low level of awareness of hunters and lack ability to distinguish between shorebird species. Awareness raising and education must be improved. Hunting for small-sized shorebirds in North-East of Russia has declined significantly over the past 40 years, however it still remains an additional threat to the conservation of the rare protected species, including SBS. Although our study filled a significant gap, the available data on shorebirds hunting in the Russian North-East is still completely insufficient to propose and justify an effective Arctic shorebird conservation program. The methodology used by us gave acceptable results. It can be used in other regions of the Russian Far East and Arctic. However, for a quantitative assessment of the harvesting of rare species it should be supplemented with other methods. Hunting control in the all North-East of Russia, is weak. For shorebird conservation special education activities are much needed not only for hunters but as well for wildlife officers. Since hunters often shoot protected shorebirds because of their inability to identify species and lack of knowledge on the protection status. As well, hunting inspectors cannot control this process because they also can’t identify many species of birds. These activities can be conducted together with hunter societies and regional hunting agency. As we learned during our research, hunting societies are open to such activities. But they have limited resources. Significant part of hunters are really interesting to know species which they are harvesting. But there is no place where they can learn. The publication of a field guide of shorebirds of the Russian Far East is really very important for improving the level of knowledge of hunters and hunting officers. Effective conservation of shorebirds requires significantly more data on hunting bag. First of all, we need full information on all regions of Russian Far East in order to get a complete picture along the entire flyway. Secondly, it is necessary to move from a single survey to monitoring of the harvest year by year. 6.PERSPECTIVES FOR FURTHER RESEARCH Our research showed that hunting in the Far East of Russia is probably a more significant factor in the population decline of several shorebird species along the EAAF than it was previously believed. That is why international collaboration to assess hunting pressure should be continued, including activities under EAAFP, partnership with AMBI-CAFF and interactions with bilateral conventions. Based on the full inventory of knowledge about hunting in all the regions of the Russian Far East, it is necessary to conduct further research, organise monitoring and implement conservation programs. We need consider perspectives for further research, first of all, in four new regions. Magadan Oblast. This is an active waterfowl and shorebird hunting area. We expect to conduct detailed surveys here in autumn 2022, and obtain information which will help better understand the scale of harvesting of small-sized shorebirds in this area and the probability of SBS loses, as well as the situation with the catastrophic decline of the Whimbrel on Sakhalin. Primorsky Krai. The south of Primorskiy Krai, including the Lowland around the Khanka lake, is an important region for shorebirds. During migrations, many rare species stop here, including Far Eastern Curlew, Spotted Greenshank (Tringa guttifer), SBS and others. Assessment of the impact of hunting on these species is very important. These two regions should be surveyed first. Figure 4 shows the main flyways of Dunlin. The same flyways are followed by most of the other shorebirds (especially small ones) in the Sea of Okhotsk area. On this map (fig. 4) we can see that Magadan Oblast and Primorsky Krais are located along these flyways. This is also confirmed by the map presented in our report for 2019 (fig. 5), based on data from the Russian Ringing Centre and other sources. The map shows human settlements and main areas of shorebirds hunting located only on the sea coast. Figure 4. Main northward (A) and southward (B) flyways of Dunlins in the Sea of Okhotsk region [11]In the future, it would be advisable to extend the observation area and survey three inland regions as well: Zabaikalskiy Krai and Republic of Buryatia (Transbaikalia). This is an important migratory area with rather large and long stopovers of shorebirds on inland water bodies. There is no evaluation of hunting pressure on shorebirds in this regions. Yakutia. Sakha (Yakutia) Republic is the largest administrative region of Russia. Both amateur and commercial hunting is developed here. According to data of Russian Ringer Center there are many shorebird rings recovery from this region. Despite its huge surface there are road and river transport network, which will allow to organize visits to o necessary districts with shorebird hunting activities. Besides new regions, the continuation of research in several districts on the coast of Sea of Okhotsk in the Khabarovsk Krai as well as in several districts on Sakhalin Island (Ohinsky and Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky districts are highly desirable. The coast of the Sea of Okhotsk is one of the least ornithologically investigated areas of the mainland coast, where important shorebird concentration sites during autumn migration are concentrated and hunting pressure is high. Figure 5. Human settlements located at the seacoast of the Russian Far East and main areas of shorebirds hunting identified from data of rings recoveries of Russian ringer centre, published sources and unpublished knowledge of Russian ornithologists South-western coast of Sakhalin is important area for the nesting and migration of shorebirds but very poorly studied. The most important of its bays (Tyk, Viakhtu, the Lakh river estuary) are lacking data on the number and species composition on stopovers. This is the place where SBS stops for a long time (Qing, Syroechkovskiy et al, 2020) and where the largest of known habitats of Nordmann's Greenshank remain. All of these regions, with the exception of Zabaikalskiy Krai and Republic of Buryatia, are located within the breeding range of the Far Eastern Curlew. Continued research will provide new information on the current abundance of the species, its dynamics and threats. The coast of the Sea of Okhotsk in Magadan Oblast and Primorsky Krai is also important for migrations of other rare species of shorebirds in the region - SBS, Spotted Greenshank, Little Curlew (Numenius minutus). The continuation of this project is currently the only opportunity to obtain valuable information for the development of the conservation strategy for these species. Another important argument for continuing the initiated project is the active involvement of specialists from various regions of the Far East. Their attention to the question of the hunting pressure on shorebirds opens a new perspective on the role of anthropogenic pressure in the condition of rare and as yet common species of birds. And it also helps to lobby the interests of nature conservation through a constructive dialogue with the authorities. Acknowledgments The project was supported by Karl Kaus Fondation, The East Asian – Australasian Flyway Partnership, Australian Government, the Australian State Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, Manfred-Hermsen-Stiftung and UNEP/CMS. Russian Bird Ringing Centre provided data on shorebirds ring recoveries. The Forestry and Wildlife Protection Agencies of Kamchatskiy and Khabarovskiy Krais and Amur Oblast, Ministry of Forestry and Hunting of Sakhalin oblast provided logistics help and data on the number of hunters and hunting permits issued. We acknowledge employees of these agencies, as well as the experts and consultants who provided valuable information on the population, distribution and harvesting of shorebirds in Russian Far East. References Bamford M et al 2008 Migratory shorebirds of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway: Population estimates and internationally important sites (Canberra: Wetlands International – Oceania) Conklin J R et 2014 Prioritizing migratory shorebirds for conservation action on the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (Hong Kong) Pearce-Higgins J W et al 2017 A global threats overview for Numeniini populations: synthesizing expert knowledge for a group of declining migratory birds Bird Conservation International 27 (1) p 6–34 Melville D S et al 2016 Shorebirds along the Yellow Sea coast of China face an uncertain future: A review of threats Emu 11 p 100–110 Studds C E et al 2017 Rapid population decline in migratory shorebirds relying on Yellow Sea tidal mudflats as stopover sites Nature Communications 8 14895 Naves L C et al 2019 Shorebird subsistence harvest and indigenous knowledge in Alaska: Informing harvest management and engaging users in shorebird conservation The Ornotholodgical applications 121 p 1–19 Cajiao E J W et al 2020 Extent and potential impact of hunting on migratory shorebirds in the Asia-Pacific Biological Conservation 246 p 1–12 CAFF Congress 2018 MB5: Worldwide partnerships to conserve migratory birds: The Arctic Migratory Bird Initiative Available from: https://www.caff.is/arctic-migratory-birds- initiative-ambi [Accessed 8th October 2021] Syroetchkovskiy E E and Klokov K B 2010 Using questionnaire method to study the impact of hunting on waterfowl in the Russian Arctic Cazarka 13 p 76-103 Gerasimov Yu N 1998 Spring migration of waders in the mouth of Bolshaya River (West Kamchatka) Ornithology 28 p 222 Huettmann F and Gerasimov Yu 2002 Using Sampling to obtain density estimates for Whimbrels (Numenius phaeopus) and other birds in the coastal tundra of the Moroshechnaya River Spit, Sea of Okhotsk, during fall migration Avian Ecology and Behavior 8 p 49–69 Schuckard R F et al 2006 Shorebird and Gull Census at Moroshechnaya Estuary, Kamchatka, Far East Russia, During August 2004 Stilt 50 p 34-46 Gerasimov Yu N et al 2019 Some results of studying the summer-autumn migration of waders on the Bolshaya Vorovskaya River Lagoon, Western Kamchatka Topical issues of studying waders of Northern Eurasia. Materials of the XI International conference (Minsk) p 15-19 Gerasimov Yu N and Gerasimov N N 2002 Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus on Kamchatka, Russia Stilt 41 p 48-54 Gerasimov N N and Gerasimov Yu N 2014 Study of migration of waterfowl and shorebirds of Kamchatka Materials International scientific conference “Areas, migrations and other movements wild animals” (Vladivostok, Russia) p 52-61 Qing Ch et al 2020 Post-breeding migration of adult Spoon-billed Sandpiper Wader study 127 (3) p 200-209. Tiunov I.M., Yu.N. Gerasimov & A.I. Matsyna 2018. Seasonal migrations of the Dunlin Calisdis alpina in the Sea of Okhotsk region // The biology and conservation of the birds of Kamchatka 11: 25-48. (In Russian).   The project was funded through the 2019-2020 EAAFP WG/TF Small Grant Fund. View the report, Click here (2019, 2020).  

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  • Not a Threat: How Vegetation Expansion affecting the pattern of Habitat Used by Migratory Waterbirds at Pantai Cemara, Jambi

    EAAFP Small Grant Fund Project by Cipto Dwi Handono EKSAI Foundation Spotted Greenshank (Tringa guttifer) recorded at Pantai Cemara, Jambi during this research (November 2021) © Cipto Dwi Handono   In 2021 EKSAI Foundation received a small grant fund from the EAAFP to evaluate the potential threat of vegetation expansion on the mudflat of Pantai Cemara, Jambi. From the monitoring in 2020, EKSAI Foundation recorded a massive growth of Ipomoea sp., that later identified as Ipomoea pes-carpae together with a decrease of migratory waterbirds number at Pantai Cemara, Jambi. From 4 days of monitoring and vegetation analysis at Pantai Cemara, Jambi, EKSAI Foundation recorded 35 species of migratory waterbirds and a maximum count of 3.445 birds at Pantai Cemara, Jambi. This result shows a stable number from 2020 which recorded 2.836 birds from 30 species. EKSAI Foundation also recorded two new species that had never been recorded at Pantai Cemara before: Lesser Crested Tern and Broad-billed Sandpiper. Vegetation analysis done by EKSAI Foundation shows that all of the vegetation on site are native species: Ipomoea pes-carpae (the most dominant species on mudflat), Sea-pine, and Avicennia sp. Ipomoea pes-carpae was recorded as invasive in three countries: Spain, Anguilla, and South Africa (Dana, et al., 2020; Connor et al., 2021; and Foxcroft et al., 2020), hence, the result from this monitoring can not prove that ipomoea pes-carpae are invasive and threat the migratory waterbirds community at Pantai Cemara, Jambi. Despite that result, EKSAI Foundation notices that vegetation growth still affects the birds, especially in migratory waterbirds' habitat use and selection. In fig. 01 : (1), (2), and (3) we can compare the mudflat area used by migratory waterbirds at Pantai Cemara, Jambi in 2019, 2020, and 2021. Fig 01. (1) Vegetation and migratory waterbird in 2019 Fig 01. (2) Vegetation and migratory waterbird in 2020 Fig 01. (3) Vegetation and migratory waterbird in 2021   From fig 01, we can see that the migratory waterbird flocks are shifting following the vegetation growth to find the remaining open mudflat at Pantai Cemara, Jambi. Together with the vegetation growth, the team of EKSAI Foundation found a new-form mudflat that was used by migratory waterbirds flock in 2021. This new-form mudflat is formed on the southeast side of Pantai Cemara. We need to continuously survey to monitor the vegetation and mudflat at Pantai Cemara, so we can understand the pattern of migratory waterbirds' habitat at Pantai Cemara. This information is very valuable for migratory waterbirds’ habitat management. Conclusion The expansion of vegetation especially Ipomoea pes-carpae growth at Pantai Cemara Jambi does not identify as a threat to migratory waterbirds, yet still affects the area used by migratory waterbird flocks at Pantai Cemara, Jambi. Based on the interview with local people, a large land clearing near Desa Cemara might cause the increase of organic waste in the river and estuary that possibly be a cause of the increase of vegetation growth at Pantai Cemara, Jambi. During this research, we identify 35 species of migratory waterbirds with a maximum count of total migratory waterbirds is 3.445. This result shows that the migratory waterbirds number from 2020 to 2021 is stable and tends to increase through the vegetation is still growing intensively. The result from this research does not show that the vegetation growth threatened the migratory waterbirds community, but still affects the area used by migratory waterbirds due to the mudflats covered by Ipomoea pes-caprae and other vegetation at Pantai Cemara. The local government and local agencies responsible for the management of Pantai Cemara are committed to proposing this area to be a new Flyway Network Site in Indonesia in 2022, our team will help and follow up this commitment and help to compile the SIS together with all the responsible authorities.   The project was funded through the 2021 EAAFP WG/TF Small Grant Fund. View the report, Click here. For inquiries, contact Cipto Dwi Handono at [email protected]  

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  • Juvenile distribution pattern and conservation of the endangered Black-faced Spoonbill

    EAAFP Small Grant Fund Project by Chi Yeung Choi, Jimmy Duke Kunshan University The individually-marked Black-faced Spoonbill ‘Y75’, was one of the twenty individuals tagged with satellite tracker. Y75 was ringed on Chilsando, Korea, 2nd July 2020, then seen on Taiwan Island 26th October 2020 ©Yi-Cheng Chen Among the threatened migratory waterbird species in the East Asian–Australasian Flyway (EAAF), the Black-faced Spoonbills (BFS) Platalea minor stands out as one of the very few species showing a recovering trend, from just a few hundred to more than 6,000 over the last 30 years partly due to the extensive conservation effort and BFSs’ ability to utilise artificial wetlands. Over the years, the foraging ecology (Yu et al. 2004a), habitat use (Yu et al. 2004b), threats (Sung et al. 2018) and migration routes (Wood et al. 2013) of BFS have been studied in various locations. Yet relatively little is known about their movement ecology, especially juveniles. In this proposed project, we aim to quantify the wintering distribution pattern of juvenile BFS in their first boreal winter using GPS-GSM transmitters. The ultimate goal is to identify the key regions where juvenile BFS winter and safeguard these areas for the continuous recovery of this endangered population. In 2020 June and July, juvenile BFS were captured near their nests from breeding islands along the west coast of South Korea. Measurements were recorded and unique colour ring combination on the tibia of BFS was used for individual marking. Solar-powered GPS/GSM satellite trackers (19g or 1.3% of juvenile BFS body weight) were deployed to the back of spoonbills using backpack method. Twenty juvenile BFS were captured and equipped with satellite trackers on their back during June and July 2020. Five individuals died without leaving Korea while one individual with tracker failure. In the remaining 14 individuals that left Korea and migrated, 10 of them (71.4%) spent their first winter in mainland China, two (14.3%) on Taiwan Island and two (14.3%) in southeast Japan. Among the 10 individuals that spent their first winter in mainland China, three individuals (30%) stayed in Jiangsu province and another three individuals (30%) in Zhejiang province, while two individuals (20%) resided in Guangdong, one individual in Hainan and one in Anhui. About half of these 14 wintering sites were protected. Among the 14 individuals that left Korea, the one that spent its first winter at the highest latitude (Jiangsu Lianyungang) and the one at the lowest latitude (Hainan) eventually died during their first winter. Our results showed the importance of the coastal wetlands in mainland China, especially those along the Jiangsu, Shanghai and Zhejiang coasts, for juvenile BFS during their southward migration and first winter. All tracked individuals that flew across the Yellow Sea from the west coast of Korea made their first landfall in coastal wetlands along the Jiangsu, Shanghai and Zhejiang coasts. The tracking results indicated the importance of coastal wetlands in Zhejiang Zhoushan, Hangzhou Bay and Wenzhou Bay to juvenile BFS. Moreover, two of the tracked birds that migrated successfully to mainland China for their first winter, eventually died at Lianyungang and Hainan. The cause of mortality was unclear but 35% of tracked BFS died within 6 months after released, showing the challenges that young BFS faced in their early years. It is important to record the potential cause of mortality and mitigate those threats to ensure the continuous population recovery of this endangered species. This project laid the important foundation for further tracking projects that will help researchers to determine the potential drivers for the observed juvenile wintering distribution pattern. This could be achieved by combining the tracking data with findings with annual synchronized censuses. Moreover, the tracking data could also be used to evaluate the extent to which protected areas along the flyway encompass the full range of habitats used by BFS during non-breeding season. The southward migration pathway and wintering distribution of satellite-tracked Black-faced Spoonbills in 2020 References: Sung Y-H, Tse IW-L, & Yu Y-T. 2018. Population trends of the Black-faced Spoonbill Platalea minor: analysis of data from international synchronised censuses. Bird Conservation International, 28(1), 157-167. Wood, C., Tomida, H., Jin-Han, K., Lee, K.S., Cho, H.J., Nishida, S., Ibrahim, J., Hur, W.H., Kim, Yu YT, & Swennen C. 2004a. Feeding of wintering Black-faced Spoonbills in Hong Kong: When and how long? Waterbirds, 27(2), 135-140. Yu YT, & Swennen C. 2004b. Habitat use of the Black-faced Spoonbill. Waterbirds, 27(2), 129-134.   The project was funded through the 2020 EAAFP WG/TF Small Grant Fund. View the report, Click here.

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  • Conservation of Spoon-billed Sandpiper in the Gulf of Mottama and Tanintharyi Coastal of Myanmar

    EAAFP Small Grant Fund Project by Pyae Phyo Aung, Shane Thu Lwin and Thura Soe Min Htike Nature Conservation Society – Myanmar (NCS) LCG members are looking the spotting the scope and binocular during the bird watching training © Nature Conservation Society – Myanmar Participation of local communities in conservation is crucial for long-term conservation management. Two local Conservation Groups(LCGs) newly established in The Tanintharyi region are improved their conservation skills through five consecutive bird-watching training sessions. Two LCGs from the area of the Gulf of Mottama are also trained to elaborate their bird-watching, patrolling and conservation skills. Vinyl billboards were installed in the public areas of Myeik and Boke Pyin to raise the awareness of the conservation of migratory shorebirds during their wintering season. This year, 2021-2022 a total of nine national surveyors conducted an annual wintering census survey of Spoon-billed Sandpiper and migratory shorebirds at the Gulf of Mottama and Tanintharyi coastal accompanied by the LCGs members. For the Gulf of Mottama Ramsar site, the survey team covered upper Gulf located in east coastal where recorded 17 and estimated 80 critically endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper (SBS), based on the SBS proportion in 173 flock counts of over 34,914 birds extrapolated to an estimated 160,000 birds of small waders in the area. These birds were encountered by the team at low tide feeding and widespread across the vast mudflat habitats. Former hunters of the Local Conservation Groups (LCGs) joined the survey and guided the survey team onto the small wader flocks. They were trained and informed about the survey techniques, biology and significance of the species in a regional, national and global context. Providing binoculars to LCG team © Nature Conservation Society – Myanmar Survey team members with LCG at the Gulf of Mottama © Nature Conservation Society – Myanmar Three sites located at the North of Myeik mudflat, recorded ten globally threatened species such as Nordmann’s Green Shank, Great Knot, Chinese Egret, Black-headed Ibis, Bar-tailed Godwit, Black-tailed Godwit, Eurasian Curlew, Curlew Sandpiper, Red-necked/Little Stint and Red-breasted Parakeet. Three sites located at the Bokepyin mudflat, recorded twelve globally threatened species such as single Spoon-billed Sandpiper, Black-tailed Godwit, Bar-tailed Godwit, Eurasian Curlew, Nordmann’s Greenshank.  During the project implementation period, NCS keep communicating with the existing LCG members in the Gulf of Mottama for the conservation actions and formation the new LCG team at Tanintharyi coastal region. Tanintharyi costal region is also important for migratory water birds and needs to be conserved as a legal flyway network site or Ramsar Site.    Moreover, the NCS team is coordinating with Tanintharyi region Forest Department for the Spoon-billed Sandpiper conservation activities and introducing Tanintharyi coastal as a new flyway network site. Discussion between NCS and Officers from Forest Department for shorebird conservation, Tanintharyi Region via Zoom on 30 November 2021© Nature Conservation Society – Myanmar   The project was funded through the 2021 EAAFP WG/TF Small Grant Fund. View the report, Click here.

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  • Skilled Stakeholder Meets Technology: The Next Step of Migratory Waterbirds Conservation in Indonesia

    EAAFP Small Grant Fund Project by Ragil Rihadini Yayasan Ekologi Satwa Alam Liar Indonesia (EKSAI Foundation) Indonesia, is one of the important wintering habitats for migratory waterbirds. With a total of 19.181 km shoreline (KKP, 2019), the information about migratory waterbirds in Indonesia is still little. Most records and information cantered in Java and Sumatra Island, this caused threats on the unknown potential sites (fig.01). Fig.01. Shorebirds Data (in red) from 2016-2022; source: burungnesia app. Many migratory waterbirds' important sites in Indonesia are not protected yet, some other are predicted as important sites but it needs more data and information to confirm that. Unfortunately, some of those areas do not have any birdwatchers who skilled in shorebirds identification. Meanwhile, threats such as hunting, habitat change, and other human disturbance frequently recorded in Indonesia; as the local people rarely understand the importance of conserving the waterbirds. As from our survey before proposing this project to the EAAFP, more than 60% of local birdwatchers are not familiar with waterbirds, and more than 70% are not familiar with migration and shorebirds. This makes us hard to access information about migratory shorebirds in Indonesia, and several times during our survey on new sites, we will find people hunting for waterbirds, simply because they did not know what is that, and how important it is to conserve the birds. The need for skilled birdwatchers as conservation agents: citizen scientists, bird researchers, college students, and government agencies to do regular and systematic surveys on the nearest potential habitat of migratory waterbirds. Fig.02. Field Training of Local Stakeholders in Indonesia   Need of coordinated monitoring; cantered data (waterbirds database) that will help the scientists and management coordinator to determine the suitable action for shorebird conservation base on that data and information. With no coordinated monitoring and hunting assessment for migratory waterbird conservation, it will be hard to control threats and protect the birds (Eduardo et al, 2020).   Fig.03 (a) the illustration of burungnesia.app (b) the data of Nordmann Greenshank in Indonesia from burungnesia app   With support from the East Asia Australasia Flyway Partnership (EAAFP), we were able to combine conservation action and technology through a conservation training activity in Indonesia last November – December, 2022. The small grant from the EAAFP makes us able to reach and develop the shorebirds conservation skills and knowledge of at least 30 of local stakeholders from all around Indonesia (from Papua to Sumatra); covers the government agencies, national parks’ agents, college students, birdwatchers, and local NGOs representative. They got several materials about migratory waterbird conservation during the training: creating a community and research-based conservation program; shorebirds habitat management; shorebirds identification, etc. They also got access to discussing their on-field problems with experts during and after the training. In the process to creating a coordinated monitoring and shorebirds database in Indonesia, we collaborate with our partners in Burungnesia.app; an android application for submitting birds checklists. All the trained participants are mandatory to install and register in Burungnesia.app; they also train on how to submit and using this app. By combining the skilled stakeholders and this technology we hope the data, information, and study about migratory shorebirds in Indonesia will increase, also the conservation action and protection of shorebirds in Indonesia will become a serious attention. The project was funded through the 2022 EAAFP WG/TF Small Grant Fund. View the report, Click here.  

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  • World Migratory Bird Day 2023 Global Campaign Poster Unveiled

    We are pleased to present the 2023 World Migratory Bird Day global campaign poster. Featuring the work of Nicaraguan artist Augusto Silva, the poster shows twelve species that help tell the story of the importance of water to migratory birds. The selected bird species remind us that birds and many other species need wetlands for migration, wintering, and breeding. Some birds require specific types of water habitats, such as the tidal flats that Spoon-billed Sandpipers use during migration and winter, the mangrove forests and other coastal areas favored by Black-capped Kingfisher, open water for Dalmatian Pelican and  Maccoa Duck to breed and the seasonally flooded fields in which the Sarus Crane uses. Water is essential for the survival of insects pursued by the Barn Swallow, the growth of nectar-producing plants frequented by the Rufous Hummingbird, and the health of grasslands inhabited by the Dickcissel and riverine forests used by the European Turtle Dove. The Atlantic Puffin and Wandering Albatross represent the oceans that make up 97% of all water on earth and are becoming increasingly polluted with chemicals and plastic waste. And finally, the Osprey serves as a conservation success story, reminding us that bird population declines can be reversed when we work together to conserve and protect our planet. The poster supports the theme of this year’s World Migratory Bird Day, which is “Water: Sustaining Bird Life,” a call of attention to the importance of water and its associated habitats to migratory birds. Unfortunately, increasing human demand for water, as well as human-driven pollution and climate change, threaten many of the water areas on which migratory birds depend. World Migratory Bird Day raises awareness of these issues and serves as a call to action for the protection of birds and their habitats. The two peak days of World Migratory Bird Day 2023 will be 13 May and 14 October, reflecting the cyclical nature of seasonal bird migrations. Events will take place all over the world in parks, nature centers, museums, libraries, schools, and other locations on those two peak days as well as throughout the year. To find an event near you, to register your own event, or to download this year’s campaign poster in multiple languages, go to worldmigratorybirdday.org. The EAAFP Secretariat is calling for support to translate the global poster to your own language, and to share the planned World Migratory Bird Day activities with us. If you require the design file of the poster, or are interested in supporting or involving in World Migratory Bird Day, please contact [email protected].

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  • New Partnership Strengthens Global Campaign for Migratory Birds

    East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) Becomes Official Partner of World Migratory Bird Day Today, the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) was announced as an official Partner of the World Migratory Bird Day campaign during the 11th Meeting of Partners (MOP11) of the EAAFP which was held in Brisbane, Australia. The new Partnership unites efforts to raise awareness to conserve migratory birds globally. World Migratory Bird Day is an annual global awareness-raising campaign to celebrate the amazing journeys of migratory birds, and to inspire worldwide conservation of migratory birds and their habitats. Traditionally observed on the second Saturday of May and October, the two days of World Migratory Bird Day are a way to reflect the cyclical nature of bird migration as well as the fact that there are varying peak migration periods in the northern and southern hemispheres. The campaign is a joint effort of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), the African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement (AEWA), Environment for the Americas and the EAAFP. The addition of the EAAFP to this Partnership will strengthen engagement and awareness for migratory birds in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway. Ms. Amy Fraenkel, Executive Secretary of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals said “I am confident that the new partnership with EAAFP will open new horizons for global migratory bird conservation and strengthen our common effort to raise awareness of migratory birds and the importance of international cooperation to conserve them.” Dr. Jacques Trouvilliez, AEWA's Executive Secretary said “It is my sincere hope that the signing of this partnership agreement and the good inter-flyway cooperation we have built in the context of World Migratory Bird Day will continue to grow. It is the spirit of flyway conservation and the recognition that international cooperation is essential to conserve migratory birds that unite us and helps carry our message across the world.” Dr. Susan Bonfield, Executive Director of Environment for the Americas highlighted “Birds do not recognize the presence of political borders. With this partnership agreement, we express our unwavering dedication to safeguarding migratory birds throughout their flyways and promoting the connections between people and birds on the occasion of World Migratory Bird Day. Together, our organizations pledge to collaborate towards the global conservation of migratory birds.” Mr. Robb Kaler, Chair of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership said “We are thrilled to join as a new Partner to World Migratory Bird Day and to collaborate with CMS, AEWA and EFTA! The new partnership will allow stronger collaboration, inspire more great ideas and make a wider impact on the conservation of migratory birds on a global level. The EAAFP is committed to voice out the message to conserve migratory birds together.” Speech by Mr. Robb Kaler, Chair of EAAFP to announce the WMBD Partnership during EAAFP MOP11.  ©EAAFP Secretariat The theme of World Migratory Bird Day in 2023 is “Water: Sustaining Bird Life” and will be used to highlight the importance of water for migratory birds. Inland and coastal wetlands, rivers, lakes, streams, marshes, and ponds are all vital for feeding, drinking, or nesting, and also as places to rest and refuel during their long journeys. Unfortunately, many of these water bodies and aquatic ecosystems are becoming increasingly threatened around the world and so are the migratory birds that depend on them. The two peak days of World Migratory Bird Day 2023 will be 13 May and 14 October, reflecting the cyclical nature of bird migration with varying migration periods in the northern and southern hemispheres. Learn more about World Migratory Bird Day www.migratorybirdday.org Other Press releases: CMS: https://www.cms.int/en/news/new-partnership-strengthens-global-campaign-migratory-birds-0 Environews Nigeria: https://www.environewsnigeria.com/new-partnership-strengthens-global-campaign-for-migratory-birds/

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  • MOP11 concluded with stronger commitment in collaboration for conserving migratory waterbirds in East Asian-Australasian Flyway

    The EAAFP 11th Meeting of Partners (MOP11) held in Brisbane, Australia, on 17 March, 2023 ended with the adoption of 11 Decisions, the election and appointment of new Management Committee, and the announcement of EAAFP as official partner to World Migratory Bird Day. After 4 days of intensive discussion, the closing day of EAAFP concluded with the adoption of 11 Decisions. These include the (highlighted DD to be named: new CEPA Action Plan 2023 – 2028, new Guidelines for National, Site and Sister Site Partnerships, Maintaining up-to-date Population Estimates and Trends of Migratory Waterbird Populations for the EAAFP, Youth mainstreaming, and more, which will guide Partners, Site managers, collaborators and other stakeholders to take concrete actions for the conservation of migratory waterbirds and wetlands in East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF). During the plenary, a special presentation was given by Her Excellency, Clare Fearnley, former New Zealand Ambassador to China in a recorded message. She shared the launch of ‘Friends of the Flyway’ which she initiated, to celebrate the migratory birds of the EAAF, bringing together ambassadors and senior diplomats. Mr. Suh Sheung-Oh, Director of the Ramsar Regional Centre – East Asia, shared the recently combined Wetland Link International – Asia-Oceania, which is a network of wetland education centres and site managers. H.E. Clare Fearnley, former New Zealand Ambassador to China delivered recorded message ©EAAFP Secretariat Mr. Suh Sheung-Oh, Director of RRC-EA, shared Wetland Link International – Asia-Oceania ©EAAFP Secretariat Youth representative, Hou Shuyu, winner of the Youth Think Tank Competition from China and Lena Van Swinderen from Australia presented a vision from the youth perspective for how they could be engaged in EAAFP, as well we the youth Declaration of 2020 Flyway Youth Forum was presented at the plenary. It is followed by presentations by Sponsors to the MOP11 – Ms. Alison Russell-French and Birgita Hansen on behalf of the Australasian Wader Study Group and Ms. May-Le Ng for Faunatech. After that, the plenary session continued with discussion on the election and appointment of the Management Committee, Technical SubCommittee and Finance Subcommittee. Australia became the Chair and Cambodia as the Vice Chair of the Management Committee. The highlight towards the end of the MOP11 was an announcement of EAAFP as the Official Partner of World Migratory Bird Day, an annual global campaign to raise awareness of migratory birds. Recorded video messages from Amy Fraenkel, Executive Secretary of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species, Dr. Jacques Trouvilliez, AEWA's Executive Secretary and Dr. Susan Bonfield, Executive Director of Environment for the Americas were delivered to convey the celebratory messages to welcome EAAFP as the new Partner to the World Migratory Bird Day, followed by a speech from Mr. Robb Kaler, Chair of EAAFP to announce the official Partnership (link). Closing remarks by Dr. Ilse Kiessling, Assistant Secretary, Protected Species and Communities Branch, Biodiversity Conservation Division, DCCEEW ©EAAFP Secretariat Closing remarks by Mr. Robb Kaler, Chair of EAAFP©EAAFP Secretariat Closing remarks by Mr. Doug Watkins, Chief Executive of EAAFP Secretariat ©EAAFP Secretariat At the closing ceremony, Mr. Robb Kaler, Chair of EAAFP commented“As you all know, the Partners adopted a 10-year Strategic Plan at MOP10 to guide our Partners. A plan is just a document if there is no implementation, but today we are fortunate to see many Partners and stakeholders are all paying efforts towards the same goal: To conserve migratory waterbirds, their habitats, and the livelihoods of people who depend on them.” Mr. Doug Watkins, Chief Executive of EAAFP said “It has been fantastic to meet with the Partners again. I hope the meeting has reinvigorated us to work smarter for the conservation of internationally important wetlands and the migratory waterbirds they support.” Learn more about MOP11 and updates: https://eaaflyway.net/11th-meeting-of-partners-mop-11/ News release of MOP11 by Partners: Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea: https://korea.hss.de/en/news/detail/weltzugvogeltag-2023-news9958/ Mygoyang News (Korean): https://www.mygoyang.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=7223 ABC News: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-04-25/proposed-development-on-protected-wetlands-at/102265270

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  • The East Asian – Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) kicked off the 11th Meeting of Partners in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia to jointly conserve migratory waterbirds from the most threatened flyway in the world

    Group photo of EAAFP © EAAFP Secretariat On 13th March, the 11th Meeting of Partners (MOP11) of the East - Australasian Asian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) officially kicked off in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, under the theme “We are all part of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway!”. Co-hosted by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Australian Government and BirdLife Australia, and sponsored by Australasian Wader Study Group and Faunatech, the meeting brought together over 150 participants from 18 national governments, inter-government organizations, international NGOs, site managers, experts and corporates. The delegates will lead the discussion on the eleventh key Draft Decisions to find a solution and better direction to conserve migratory waterbirds, their habitats and livelihoods in the Flyway. The meeting was opened with a traditional aboriginal Welcome to Country performance delivered by Tribal Experiences.  The MOP11 was officially opened through welcome remarks by the co-hosts, Dr Ilse Kiessling, Assistant Secretary, Protected Species and Communities Branch, Biodiversity Conservation Division, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, and Prof. Martine Maron, President of BirdLife Australia. Dr Ilse Kiessling, Assistant Secretary, Protected Species and Communities Branch, Biodiversity Conservation Division, DCCEEW © EAAFP Secretariat Prof. Martine Maron, President of BirdLife Australia © EAAFP Secretariat   "We are thrilled to bring together our partners from across the Flyway to share knowledge, learn from one another, and plan for the future of migratory waterbird conservation," said Martine Maron, President of BirdLife Australia, co-host of MOP11. "This meeting is a critical opportunity to engage with a diverse group of stakeholders and strengthen our collective efforts to protect the flyway." Dr. Musonda Mumba, Secretary General of the Ramsar Convention also delivered a recorded congratulatory message to EAAFP MOP11. After, Mr. Robb Kaler, Chair of EAAFP gave opening remarks, followed by a memorial ceremony dedicated to Dr. Lew Young, former Chief Executive of the EAAFP Secretariat, and Dr Evgeny Syroechkovskiy, former EAAFP Spoon-billed Sandpiper Task Force Chair and Focal Point of Russia. In his opening remarks, Mr. Robb Kaler, Chair of EAAFP said “No single country can conserve all the migratory waterbirds, only if we collaborate and amplify our effort can the waterbirds be conserved and wetlands be sustainably managers, “highlighted Mr. Robb Kaler, Chair of EAAFP. “I hope that this MOP proves to bolster the effort of the Partnership to continue their tireless work of preservation of migratory birds and their habitats within our precious Flyway.” Dr. Musonda Mumba, Secretary General of the Ramsar Convention © EAAFP Secretariat Mr. Robb Kaler, Chair of EAAFP © EAAFP Secretariat During the opening ceremony, the Partnership welcomed the two new Partners, Hong Kong Bird Watching Society and Mangrove Foundation, and 11 new Flyway Network Sites from Australia, Cambodia, China, Japan, Myanmar and the Republic of Korea since the 10th Meeting of Partners (MOP10). Two Sister Sites agreements were celebrated between Incheon, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong S.A.R., China, as well as Saga City, Japan and Alaska, U.S.A. Mr. Yat-tung Yu, Director of new Partner, Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (HKBWS), said, “Hong Kong lies in the middle of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway. Thousands of waterbirds including globally threatened Black-faced Spoonbill, Spoon-billed Sandpiper and Saunders’s Gull utilise Mai Po Inner Deep Bay Flyway Site for wintering and passage. The HKBWS is privileged to join the EAAFP and eager to work with other partners for more collaborative and impactful conservation activities to protect waterbirds and their habitats with local, regional and global perspectives." Dr. Baohua Yan,  Secretary-general of new Partner, Mangrove Foundation (MCF), expressed  “MCF is a leading wetland and biodiversity conservation charity in China, with the mission of living wetlands and sustainable future. It employs a social participation model for nature conservation through adaptive management of protected areas, CEPA (wetland education and public engagement), network building, grantmaking and international collaboration. It does this through strategic projects, such as Saving the Spoon-billed Sandpipers, Mangrove Conservation and Restoration, Active Wetland Management in Shenzhen Bay, and China Wetland Center Network.” Mr Yat Tung Yu,  Director of Hong Kong Bird Watching Society, New Partner to EAAFP © EAAFP Secretariat Ms. Sun Lili, Founder, and Board Member, Mangrove Foundation, New Partner to EAAFP © EAAFP Secretariat  Following the Ceremonies, Prof. Richard Fuller from the University of Queensland gave a keynote presentation, illustrating the critical situation that some shorebirds are declining, and how we can save the migratory waterbirds. After the opening ceremony, two side events to introduce and discuss the revised CEPA Action Plan and the new Guidelines of National, Site and Sister Site Partnerships, as well as "Green Energy and Conservation of Migratory Birds" respectively.  In the afternoon plenary session, the Partners adopted the Rules of Procedure and elected Australia as Chair and U.S.A. as Vice Chair to the MOP11. At the end of the first day, BirdLife Australia organized the opening performance, music played by Bowerbird Collective, with a song “Life on Land's Edge “, and the participants to MOP11 were treated to the opening reception hosted by the Australian Government and BirdLife Australia. In the upcoming meeting, Partners and collaborators will contribute to discussing Document papers and 11 Decision papers, which will enhance efficiency in Partnership operation, including CEPA Action Plan, and establishing the new guidelines of national, site and Sister Site Partnerships, Population Estimates and Trends of Migratory Waterbird Populations. In the following days until 17th March, there will also be 11 side events organized to foster collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and strengthening the Partnership in the future, and working towards synergizing the work of EAAFP with Multilateral Environment Agreements (MEAs) and different regional conservation initiatives and mechanisms. Opening performance "Life on Land's Edge “ music played by Bowerbird Collective © EAAFP Secretariat Learn more about MOP11 and updates: https://eaaflyway.net/11th-meeting-of-partners-mop-11/ Photo album on 13th March: https://www.flickr.com/photos/eaafp/sets/72177720307070189/

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