Announcement of EAAFP Partners Workshop leading up to MOP 11

In preparation of and to increase dialogue with and between Partners in the months leading up to MOP11, which will be held in Brisbane Australia, from 12th – 17th March 2023, the Secretariat is organizing a series of webinars endorsed by the EAAFP Management Committee with the following schedule and program.

The webinar series will give Partners the opportunity to be briefed on important ongoing activities of the Secretariat and follow-up on Decisions made at MOP10. The EAAFP Secretariat is inviting all Partners to mark these dates and participate in the webinars.

  • Title: EAAFP Partners Workshop lead up to MOP 11
  • Date/Time: 1 – 5 August 2022; 15:00 – 17:30 KST
  • Organizers: EAAFP Secretariat and Management Committee
  • Participants: EAAFP Partners, EAAFP Working Groups and Task Forces, Flyway Network Site Managers
  • Language: English
  • Meeting Platform: Zoom
  • Register:
    *We invite everyone to join as many sessions as possible

EAAFP Provisional Programme

Day Programme Presenter/Moderator
Day 1 Opening Remarks Robb Kaler, MC Chair
Briefing on MOP11 Doug Watkins, Secretariat Chief Executive/Nick Davidson, TsC Chair
Activities of the Management Committee Robb Kaler, MC Chair
Report on the Secretariat’s workplan and budget Doug Watkins, Secretariat Chief Executive
Day 2 Presentation on the Partner New Reporting Template for MOP11 Doug Watkins, Secretariat Chief Executive
Interactive Session 1: How to increase the effectiveness of Working Group/Task Forces for EAAFP, following up on the Discussion Paper presented at MoP10 (link). (TBC)
Day 3 MOP10 DD08: EAAFP Guidelines for National and Site Partnerships (link) Jennifer George, Consultant
MOP10 DD 09: EAAFP Guidelines for the Sister Site Program (link)
Day 4 Presentation on the revised CEPA Action Plan 2023 – 2028 Casey Burns, CEPA Working Group Chair
Update on the ADB Regional Flyway Initiative Duncan Lang, Asian Development Bank /Doug Watkins, Secretariat Chief Executive
/Ding Li, BirdLife International
Day 5 Conservation Status Review of Migratory Waterbird Populations for the EAAFP [MOP10 DD 12] / Q&A Taej Mundkur, Consultant to Wetlands International
Interactive Session 2: How to expand, strengthen and engage the Flyway Site Network, including adopting a more simplified and focused nomination form (SIS)  Nick Davidson, TsC Chair/Qing Zeng, Science Officer
Closing Remarks Robb Kaler, MC Chair

For inquiries, please email to [email protected].

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