Since the Coast of Yellow Sea-Bohai Gulf of China (Phase I) in Yancheng was inscribed in the as UNESCO’s Natural World Heritage site on 5th July, 2019, Yancheng City has been actively developing mechanisms to foster conservation of wetlands, enhance scientific research and sustainable development. On 16th December, 2020, the Yancheng Wetland and Natural World Heritage Conservation and Management Center, Yellow Sea Wetland Institute was officially established. Following that, the 2020 Yellow & Bohai Sea Coastal Wetlands Symposium was held between 16th and 17th December, 2020.
Establishment of Yancheng Wetland and Natural World Heritage Conservation and Management Center, and Yellow Sea Wetland Institute
Yancheng Wetland and Natural World Heritage Conservation and Management Center, Yellow Sea Wetland Institute, and three research laboratories were established and unveiled. The three joint research centers include:
- Nature-based Ecological Restoration Research Center: It partners with China Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Center of Ministry of Natural Resources, focuses providing solutions for habitat restoration.
- Coastal Agriculture Research Institute: It partners with Kyungpook National University from Ro Korea, focuses developing sustainable agriculture models.
- Urban-rural Integration Development Lab of Tongji University: It focuses advancing the strategic planning of Yancheng and Yellow Sea Wetland.

Marking the moment of the official establishment ceremony on 16th December, 2020 © Yellow Sea Wetland Institute

Showcasing plaques of five organizations that first settled © Yellow Sea Wetland Institute
2020 Yellow & Bohai Sea Coastal Wetlands Symposium
2020 Yellow & Bohai Sea Coastal Wetlands Symposium was held on December 16th and 17th with 120 representatives from government agencies, research institutes, international organizations, and leading enterprises gathered in Yancheng City in Jiangsu Province, while 82,000 audience across the globe were watching the live stream of the symposium.
Mr. Doug Watkins, Chief Executive of EAAFP Secretariat gave a congratulatory remarks to the Symposium. Partners of EAAFP, including Birdlife International, Ramsar Secretariat, IUCN, International Crane Foundation, Paulson Institute, Wetlands International also joined and gave remarks or presentations.
Topics such as Nature-based Solutions, Spartina Control, Feeding and Roosting Site Management, Disturbance Management, Evidence-based Sustainable Development, and CEPA (Communication, Education, Participation and Awareness) were covered during the symposium.
The following proposals were delivered to facilitate Yancheng to become an international wetland city:
– Yancheng to host a multi-stakeholder Global Coastal Forum in 2021.
– A network of multi-functional feeding and roosting sites for migratory waterbirds should be maintained and created.
– Develop well-coordinated multi-disciplinary research programs and a year-round monitoring scheme.
– A Joint China-International Task Team Group to move forward to the Phase II of the UNESCO World Heritage nominations in China.

2020 Yellow & Bohai Sea Coastal Wetlands Symposium was held in Yellow Sea National Forest Park © Yellow Sea Wetland Institute

2020 Yellow & Bohai Sea Coastal Wetlands Symposium was held in Yellow Sea National Forest Park © Yellow Sea Wetland Institute
One of the key outputs of the Symposium was the Statement of Outcome, which stressed the importance of long-term plan for the conservation management of the newly established World Heritage Site. Click [here] for the full version of the “ 2020 Yellow & Bohai Sea Coastal Wetlands Symposium Statement of Outcome”.
Recording of the 2020 Yellow & Bohai Sea Coastal Wetlands Symposium are available: (Eng), (Chi)
Download the Yellow Sea Wetland Institute Newsletter, Feb 2021 [here].
Media release in Chinese:

Mr. Doug Watkins, Chief Executive of EAAFP Secretariat gave a congratulatory remarks © Yellow Sea Wetland Institute

Dr. Spike Millington from International Crane Foundation giving speech © Yellow Sea Wetland Institute

International participants of 2020 Yellow & Bohai Sea Coastal Wetlands Symposium © Yellow Sea Wetland Institute