On Wednesday, 24 June 2020, the External Relations team of EAAFP Secretariat attended the 2020 Global Clean Environment Awards Ceremony held in the Ruby Hall, the Plaza Hotel in Seoul. It marked its second anniversary since the first award in 2019 when the EAAFP received an award in Public Service category. This event was organized by Action for Clean Environment and Woojin Management and Legal Affair Institute.
The Committee selected 7 winners of the awards in four categories: Public Service, Healthcare, Business, and Entertainment as following.
- Public Service: State of Tennessee and Yeongdeok County,
- Healthcare: H+ Yang Ji Hospital and Beijing United Family Hospital,
- Business: SparkLabs and RecyGlo,
- Entertainment: Jennifer Zhang.
The Committee stated that all winners made a great contribution that made a positive impact both for the improvement of environment and the better livelihood of people. The EAAFP Secretariat congratulates the winners and hopes that their commitment to conserving our environment and the livelihood of people continues.
Action for Clean Environment (ACE) is a non-profit organization in Korea with a mission of protecting people from environmental pollution all over the world. Dr. Sang-Yup Lee, the Chair of the Awarding Committee, made an opening remark that “ACE seeks the coexistence of mankind, environment, and economy” and that “as the interaction with the environment is no longer a choice but a responsibility that everyone should take, Action for Clean Environment will continue the environmental campaigns to cooperate with people and nature”.