새만금 물막이 10년, 조류 86% 사라져…생태재앙 수준
2017.02.21 문주현 기자 새만금 물막이 10년 평가 토론회, “새만금에서 사리진 새들, 세계에서 자취 감춰” “새만금에서 14년이라는 비교적 긴 시간 모니터링을 하고 보니 새만금이 어떻게 파괴되고 사람들의 삶이…
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서해안 찾은 저어새, 가마우지 등쌀에 번식지 잃을라
2017. 03. 13 윤순영, 한국야생조류보호협회 서해안이 유일한 번식지인 세계적 멸종위기종, 번식지 부족 심각 온순한 성격 탓 김포…
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Transboundary collaboration to save Far Eastern Curlew
Mark Carey (Chair) and Connie Warren (Coordinator) Far Eastern Curlew Task Force The Far Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis is one of the largest shorebirds in the…
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The Convention on Biological Diversity welcomes new Executive Secretary
PRESS RELEASE: Cristiana Paşca Palmer assumes position as Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity 20 March 2017 Convention on Biological Diversity
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MOP interactive sessions lead to lively discussions (and drawings)
Spike Millington, Chief Executive, EAAFP Secretariat One of the challenges of designing a large meeting involving a diverse set of stakeholders with different backgrounds and interests, as well…
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