A male Hudsonian Godwit (Limosa haemastica) having just arrived during May ice break-up on its breeding grounds at Kanuti National Wildlife Refuge in north-central Alaska, USA © Luke Smithwick/USFWS
Chris Harwood
Chair, Alaska Shorebird Group
The Alaska Shorebird Group (ASG) held its annual meeting on 6–7 December 2017 in Anchorage, Alaska. The agenda included the following:
- updates on members’ attendance at recent national and international shorebird conferences
- elections to appoint new officers and members of the Executive Committee
- update on the status of the Version 3 of the Alaska Shorebird Conservation Plan (tentative release date: April 2018), including discussions to fine-tune our list of priority species
- prepared talks by members on tundra (6 Dec.) and boreal (7 Dec.) shorebirds
- discussions to develop inventories and monitoring of Alaska’s boreal shorebirds
- discussions to increase research on boreal shorebirds of conservation concern
The agenda, meeting minutes, roster of officers and Executive Committee members, postings of the prepared scientific talks, and our annual summary of members’ new or ongoing studies of Alaska shorebirds should be posted by mid-January 2018 to our ASG website: (https://www.fws.gov/alaska/mbsp/mbm/shorebirds/working_group.htm)