‘Prioritizing Migratory Shorebirds for Conservation Action on the EAAF’ a report by WWF-Hong Kong
From Bena Smith (WWF-Hong Kong) The report is an initiative for regional prioritization of the status of shorebirds using the EAAF, and is an objective assessment of the conservation status…
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原标题:全世界第3处 澎湖成“神话之鸟”繁殖地 台海网(微博)7月31日讯 据台湾《中国时报》报道,全球不超过50只的“神话之鸟”黑嘴端凤头燕鸥,6月间在台湾澎湖县自然保留区鸡善屿现踪,也让当地成为全世界确认的第3处黑嘴端凤头燕鸥繁殖地。 据报道,黑嘴端凤头燕鸥数量极为稀少,被世界各国列为“极危”鸟种,一度几乎消失在人类视野长达60多年。 台湾澎湖县自然保留区无人岛于2012年首度发现1只,去年及今年又再次被发现成双成对出现于澎湖鸡善屿并开始繁殖,显见已稳定地在澎湖生态繁衍。 据报道,澎湖也成为目前世界已确认的第3处黑嘴端凤头燕鸥繁殖地,另2处分别是浙江省韭山县、台湾连江县马祖地区。 发现人澎湖县野鸟学会调查组长郑谦逊表示,在马祖列岛的中岛拍摄到黑嘴端凤头燕鸥,虽然数量只有12只,但已是纪录上发现的最大族群量。 澎湖县农渔局指出,这次黑嘴端凤头燕鸥是于6月间发现,但基于生态保育考虑,迟迟不敢对外公布,深怕民众好奇登岛破坏生态栖地。 澎湖农渔局强调,凡欲进出自然保留区、野生动物保护区皆须向澎湖县政府农渔局申请许可,恣意登岛属违法行为。 原文连接:http://news.ifeng.com/a/20140731/41387916_0.shtml 相关文件:http://www.hkbws.org.hk/BBS/redirect.php?tid=21535&goto=lastpost#lastpost
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국제조류보호협회(BirdLife International), 국제중요철새서식지 보전사업을 위해 서천군과 양해각서 체결하다.
리오틴토(Rio Tinto)는 오스트레일리아 서부지역의 천일염 사업장 부근에서 발견되었던 도요·물떼새류7종에 대한 보호와 생물 다양성 순수이득효과(Net Positive Impact) 실현을 목표로 국제조류보호협회(Birdlife International)과의 파트너십 프로그램을 통해 2015년 말까지 동아시아-대양주 철새이동경로(East Asian-Australasian Flyway;…
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Myanmar Becomes the 32nd Partner of EAAFP
On July 27th, the Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar became the 32nd Partner of EAAFP with enthusiastic and unanimous support from all Partners. [caption id=”attachment_8199″ align=”aligncenter”…
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Yalu Jiang International Bird Festival, Dandong, China
The mouth of the Yalu River (Yalu Jiang) in Liaoning Province of NE China forms the border between China and DPRK and is probably the most important…
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