北, UNEP 제정 ‘세계 철새의 날’ 관련 사업 진행
북한에서 올해 ‘세계 철새의 날’로 제정된 지난 11, 12일을 맞아 TV와 신문, 방송을 통해 철새보호에 대한 대중선전사업을 진행했다고 <조선중앙통신>이 13일자로 보도했다. 유엔환경계획(UNEP, United Nations Environment Programme)은 2006년부터 매년 5월 둘째…
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자연이 되살린 섬, 그리고 삶… 하남 당정섬 멸종위기 흰목물떼새 집단 번식
삑삑삑 삐익∼. 날카로운 경계음을 내며 흰목물떼새(도요목 물떼새과·멸종위기종 2급)가 팔당대교 아래 자갈밭 사이를 분주히 오간다. 번식 장면 촬영을 위해 둥지 부근에 위장텐트를…
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First Meeting of North-East Asian Marine Protected Areas Network (NEAMPAN)
The North-East Asian Subregional Programme for Environmental Cooperation (NEASPEC) organized the first meeting of North-East Asian…
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Inaugural meeting of the Arctic Migratory Birds Initiative (AMBI) in Montreal, Canada
The inaugural expert meeting of the Arctic Migratory Bird Initiative (AMBI) of the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF), an EAAFP Partner was held at the Secretariat of…
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Symposium of Environmental Education at Tokyo Port, Japan
At the end of February 2014, Spike Millington headed to Japan for a weekend of meetings, the first of which was The Symposium on Environmental Education at Tokyo Port. Historically…
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CBD becomes our 31st Partner
On the 5th April 2014, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was unanimously approved by all EAAFP…
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