새만금 방조제 완공 2년 ‘철새 재앙’ 왔다
ㆍ도요새 개체수 ‘4분의 1’ 급감…넙적부리 도요는 단 3마리뿐 새만금 방조제 완공 후 우리나라를 찾는 도요새가 4분의 1로 줄었다는 조사 결과가 나왔다.
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New EAAF Partnership Secretariat
In early May, the Partnership Chair (Australian Government) accepted the offer by Wetlands International – Oceania to host the Secretariat for the Flyway Partnership until the 3rd meeting of…
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Partnership Website
Avifauna Research & Services in Australia (ARS) were awarded the contract to design and establish a website for the EAAF Partnership. ARS will also maintain the website in association…
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